
Hi everyone, I have recently joined and am hoping to lose 20lbs by June! Not sure if thats possible for me haha, but I am certainly going to try my best. I have had trouble with food in the past, and I am hoping that by using this site I can lose weight healthily and keep it off. Good luck to everyone on their weight loss journey :)


  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    I definitely think that it is possible. That is roughly 7 pounds per month if you break it down. Welcome and good luck!!!!
  • SkinnyLynnie
    Hi Rosy, Thanks for joining up with My Fitness Pal. I've been here about a week and i believe it has helped me by keeping me focused. Yes I think you can reach your goal by June. It won't be easy, that part is true, but it does get easier a little bit down the line when your new eating and exercising habits take hold. That's when the pounds melt away. So hang in there. I don't know if you want new pals or not, but if you do, please add me as a fitness pal. I only have one pal, my niece. Thanks. Lynnie