Wedding Dress Motivation

For anyone who has a wedding (or bridesmaid's) dress to fit into in 2010 - this group is for you! Post your current and goal measurements and let's make sure that there are no ugly, embarrassing scenes at the dress shops in 2010.

Heather B. - current weight - 164.4 / bust - 41 / waist - 39.5 / hips - 44.5 - dress size (as per the evil dress shop) - should be 22 / ordered 20 - need to reduce waist to 37 in 4 months.

Each week, starting March 1, we'll post our results and I will issue a week-long challenge. Good Luck and I hope to get lots of help and support moving forward.


  • GingerSnark
    GingerSnark Posts: 153
    Well, while I do have my own wedding dress; I have to fit into a bridesmaids dress by July 17th that I ordered too small as motivation to lose weight.

    I really need to dig down deep within for the will & motivation to do this. I could easily do this by the end of April if I stick to it & not slack off.

    Then I can just focus on maintaining till the wedding.

    current weight - 237.5
    dress size ordered 18 - need to lose 15lbs more to go down another size in a little over 4 months.
    Should probably lose at least 24-30lbs total to ensure the dress fits since I am pretty busty.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    My wedding is in May and I still need (correction want) to get down to 135. I started at 155 at the end of January. I'm about 148 now.
  • heather_boyd
    Glad to hear that there are other people in the same boat as myself...

    Good Luck to all.

    First weekly challenge - work out one more day than you usually do.

    I usually work out 3 times per week - aiming for 4.

    Let me know how you make out.

    Weight Loss Tip #1 - Every single calorie counts - I didn't realize this until I was on MFP, but it's the secret calories in common foods that will kill you. My calorie goal is 1200, which is really hard to meet most days.
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    Found my dress on Saturday... terrible experience trying on dresses next to a barbie doll who actually uttered the words, "this dress is sooooo Sex in the City"... OMG it was a nightmare! They couldn't make her dress small enough so she could get a feel for what it would look like..UGH. I did find a dress and I need to loose weight by August when the dress should come in....

    So glad to have found this group! I need help staying accountable and encouragement :)

    Wedding date: 10/2/10

    Starting weight before MFP- 145
    Current weight-141ish
    Mini-goal weight- May 1 135
    Goal weight- 125
  • heather_boyd
    Happy Monday Morning Everyone!

    Time for our first weekly weigh-in. I've switched scales, so although I wasn't very good last week, I don't know how accurate my +- is this week. No need to put your actual weight, just add +/- from last week.

    Heather - 167.1 (+1.4)
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    I picked up my dress today! Yea! I'm so excited but too scared to try it back on.
  • cwhiteley
    I got married in October so I already fit into that dress. However, since October....our wedding, honeymoon, thanksgiving, christmas, new years....I gained at least ten pounds. So far I am down 10 but would like to loose 10 more. I am going to be the MOH for my best friend (and MOH)'s wedding at the end of May in Mexico. So not only do I need to fit into the MOH dress but I also need to fit into a bikini. :) What is funny is I am much more motivated to loose weight for my friends wedding than I was for my own. I think I was under too much stress before my wedding.

    My goal is to loose ten more pounds. That would put me at 150. I am 5'7. I would love to be a size 8 pant again!!! Glad I found you girls. Keep up the good work!
  • heather_boyd
    Happy Monday everyone!

    Weigh - in today - 165.1... up a couple of ozs, but since it's the start of that wonderful "period" of the month, not too concerned... good luck everyone.

    Maybe I should try to calculate what "period" of the month the wedding is - is it my light or heavy times?

    Damn, sucks to be a woman sometimes
  • heather_boyd
    Hi Everyone,

    Just checking in to see how everyone's week is going

    Mine's been great - lots of wonder weather and great exercise. It's amazing what a difference there is between being at work and being at home, busy with the house and family.

    Hope you all had a great St. Patrick's Day and stayed away from the bangors and mash...


  • GingerSnark
    GingerSnark Posts: 153
    Doing well. I lost 7lbs from the time I posted here for the first time back on the 5th.
  • heather_boyd
    Congratulations GingerSnark - glad to hear it.
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    Hey guys! My wedding is May 25, 2010 in Riviera Maya Mexico (we fly out the 21st), and although my dress already fits, it's a lace up back, so I can still fit in it when I lose weight. And since it's a destination wedding I'm going to be in my swimsuit A LOT, and want to actually feel comfortable in one for once. I'm glad you started this post, I need something to keep me accountable and motivated. I'm following a low carb diet (started week 7 on this last Wednesday, and it's going really well), and starting now I'm hoping to do strength training 3-4 times a week (gotta tone arms for my strapless dress!). I'll keep you posted. Good luck everyone!
    Weight on Wii fit this morn. 133.8
    really want to get my hip size down, my measurements for the largest part of my hips (ugh saddle bags) is 38 in, which are really disproportionate to my legs so I'd like to really lose my excess weight there.
  • heather_boyd
    Hi FutureNeuman...Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I had a destination wedding too and let me tell you - dragging that dress around everywhere is a pain in the you-know-where!!!! We were tempted just to leave it in the domincan.

    Good luck...
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Those dates are getting closer! How is everyone doing?

    Anyone have some words of wisdom? I've been slacking the last couple of weeks. Ouch!
  • heather_boyd
    Happy Monday Everyone!

    Today's weigh-in: 161.6... down approx 3 lbs since I started - yeah me!

    Hope everyone is still on-target for their wedding / bridesmaid dresses.

    For those of us plateauing / having trouble with motivation - even though I am completely not a religious person - let's do a mini-version of "lent" leading up to Easter Weekend as our challenge this week... I challenge all of us to "give up" sugar... We'll weigh-in on Sunday instead of Monday this week and then we can get our sugar rushes on Easter Day. Whenever you're craving sugar this week, just remember that you can have it on Sunday.

    This won't be easy for me either because I'm pretty sure either tomorrow or Wednesday my boss is bringing in a birthday cake for the "March" Birthdays, which includes me... Good Luck and keep me posted.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    No problem Heather. I've been a type one diabetic since I was nine. I haven't had sugar in forever.
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    Since I'm doing low carb, I can't have sugar anyway, but I'll try to limit my artificial sweetners more this week too. And my weight is now down to 131.6 :D
  • shanna618
    shanna618 Posts: 21
    Love this topic! I'm getting married June 18th in Costa Rica and I'm hoping to feel comfortable enough to wear a bathing suit! Any motivation is greatly appreciated!
  • heather_boyd
    Glad to hear so many have already kicked the "sugar" habit...

    I've substituted artificial sweeteners for most of my sugar fixes, but I know that eventually I'll have to give that crutch up too in order to become healthy.
  • GingerSnark
    GingerSnark Posts: 153
    Those dates are getting closer! How is everyone doing?

    Anyone have some words of wisdom? I've been slacking the last couple of weeks. Ouch!

    I saw this in someone else's signature, a Shakespeare quote:

    Our bodies are our gardens, to the which
    our wills are gardeners

    Spring is here & it's time to get those gardens in shape!