Diet Coke ADDICT.



  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I used to be a 4-5 pop a day addict. Coke, pepsi, diet coke.

    A challenge to all of you that like it.

    How much do you enjoy that same pop when.

    It's cold and flat.
    When it's warm and fizzy.

    I think I had too many pops out of the bottle that lost their fizz and the odd warm one and the taste just grossed me out.
    Water since then with the odd ginger ale.
  • zoink66
    zoink66 Posts: 116 Member
    I also love diet coke, and used to drink maybe 3-6 cans a every day.
    I weaned myself off of it by not buying it. Simply stopped buying it. Took a bit of willpower at the shop but after that it was okay. Now I only drink diet soda at the cinema or a restaurant. And now, it's a treat; it's not part of my daily diet. It's not as hard as you think to cut back.
  • helliecopter
    helliecopter Posts: 19 Member
    Yep! Me too! I love Diet Coke. I know it's not good for me, but I still love it. I don't drink coffee or tea; DC is my only caffeine intake, so that doesn't concern me too much. I do think the aspartame is bad though!

    I have been losing weight for 12 months now and am 6lbs from my target. I did all that allowing myself one or two cans (got to be ice cold from a can!) of Diet Coke a day. I have always been a slow loser - 1 or half a lb per week. Steady but slow.

    Recently I switched to caffeine free DC in a bid to wean myself off the brown stuff. I'd like to be totally caffeine free! I found the switch fine and I didn't miss the caffeine buzz. Last week I cut it right down and just had one can of caffeine free DC. I lost 2½lbs that week! I have been less bloated with a much flatter tummy (and as someone who carries a lot of my weight on my tummy, that was amazingly noticable change!) and I feel fab for conquering my DC demons!

    So, now I'm trying to be DC free as much as possible. I think it's better not to have it every single day (although it's a hard habit to break!) but I am not going to totally rule it out of my diet. I will allow myself one as a treat every now and again. Just have to make sure I don't slip back into the daily DC habit.
  • Callmefia
    Callmefia Posts: 42
    I WAS a total Diet Coke Addict.
    12 pack gone in 2 days. Yikes!!!! Especially weak on the vanilla and cherry versions.

    Now my deal is that I only drink a diet coke when i go out to dinner.

    Main thing for me was that I have heard caffeine can be linked to breast cancer, which my grandma is a breast cancer survivor! So there is caffeine free versions, but they just do not taste as good!

    To get off the coke, I started drinking my water with Crystal Light packets. Or I would drink one of the Aquafina flavored water or flavored seltzer. Even water with Lemon.

    I don't buy coke for myself anymore and it saves $$$, and helps me feel better.

    You do go through withdrawal off of caffeine and will get headaches. I promise though, you will feel so much better afterward!
    I would crash after the soda went through me and was a lot more tired when I was drinking it. Now I'm more even throughout the day and not as tired. If you are going to drink diet soda, I would definitely recommend atleast doing diet & caffeine free. I am an anti-caffeine freak now! :-)

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