Know Your Problem Areas!

Here's a little snippet from a blog I have on tumblr. I hope it helps! FEEL FREE TO POST YOUR PROBLEM AREAS!

Ok my loves. Today I’m going to be discussing the things I struggle with while dieting. Everyone has their problem areas, usually becoming their downfalls. I figure if I write them down, then maybe I can recognize when I’m becoming a victim to ‘em.

Coffee. Coffee, coffee, coffee. Coffee. I freakin LOVE coffee. Not the dark kind, either. I love the creamy, sugary, flavored kind. Dunkin’ Donuts medium iced pumpkin regulars will be the death of me.

Late night eating. I don’t care if I’ve had an AMAZING diet day, once it gets to be around nine o’clock at night, i eat everything that isn’t nailed down. Serious problem.

Exercise is such a hassle. I never wanna do it. There’s a gym at my college, but it’s full of those nasty frat boys that are more than willing to mock the fatty on the treadmill. I keep telling myself that once I lose some weight, I will start going to the gym when I look more acceptable. Not gonna happen, if I DONT WORK OUT.
Write down your problems, and change that ****. HELL. Feel free to inbox them to me, maybe I can help… Or just listen to you ***** because trust me, I know there’s nothing a fat girl loves more than talking. …

If there’s one thing fat girls have, it’s personality, so let it shine babies!!!