kettlebell workouts anyone?



  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    I just started working with Kettlebells last week. I purchased the DVD, Iron Core Kettlebell workout from Amazon for about 8 bucks. I am still working on form and proper use, but I sure can feel it! I can't wait to get into the "Boot Camp" workout that they have with this set.
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
  • SorchaEilis
    SorchaEilis Posts: 99 Member

    I'm starting kettlebell workouts , but I'm just learning at this point. I have the Kettlebell Goddess dvd and one of the books by Pavel Tsatsouline from Russia. He's supposed to be good, so we'll see :-)
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I am interested in people's responses. I have a kettle bell and have have watched a few workouts on youtube and on tv but I feel like I am not really doing them correctly :ohwell:

    Learn how to do a two-handed kettlebell swing properly. That one exercise works almost your entire posterier chain (calves up to shoulders) and will make a huge difference in your workouts just by itself.
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    Good point Boston.. I think the majority of the people I see at typical box gyms do them wrong, but Im not "that guy" that goes over and offers tips on technique to strangers.. the biggest mistake I observe is people trying to swing the weight with their arms.. the arms are just hooks and the movement is from the hip drive and resulting acceleration. im sure there are a TON of how-to videos on youtube.
  • FitGuyWillDoIt
    FitGuyWillDoIt Posts: 111 Member
    Kettlebells rock and it's all I use since I workout at home. They have lots of versatility in terms of strength training, cardio, and agility. The two best sources for information are, Pavel Tsatsouline's site and I have videos by both. You may be able to find something on Amazon or Ebay. Pavel has some good beginner videos. The thing to keep in mind is to watch your form.
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Thank you everyone. I'm overloaded with so much info on kettlebell workouts now that I don't even know where to start. I'm definitely going to purchase some dvds through Amazon and get started next monday. I wish I could start already but I have a baby to look after at the Stanford children's hospital. Can't wait to get out and start. My motivation is at an all time high.
  • FitGuyWillDoIt
    FitGuyWillDoIt Posts: 111 Member
    Thank you everyone. I'm overloaded with so much info on kettlebell workouts now that I don't even know where to start. I'm definitely going to purchase some dvds through Amazon and get started next monday. I wish I could start already but I have a baby to look after at the Stanford children's hospital. Can't wait to get out and start. My motivation is at an all time high.

    One more tip, if your budget allows: Buy your KB's in pairs. You have two hands.
    My first purchase was a single KB. Then I bought a matching one later. Since then I've bought in pairs.

    Welcome to the club Comrade!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Thank you everyone. I'm overloaded with so much info on kettlebell workouts now that I don't even know where to start. I'm definitely going to purchase some dvds through Amazon and get started next monday. I wish I could start already but I have a baby to look after at the Stanford children's hospital. Can't wait to get out and start. My motivation is at an all time high.
    swing th baby (gently) like a KB, they'll love it :laugh:

    i suppose you could also practice turkish get ups with a baby too .

    i want to use kettlebells more but the only moves i know are the swing, 1 arm clean and jerk, 1 arm snatch and turkish get up.

    doing those same 4 moves can get boring
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
  • shanander
    shanander Posts: 50 Member
    I have had a 25 lb KB for a few months now and did some youtube videos. I just wasn't motivated. I got a smaller KB 15 lbs and got The Skogg System and just started. His 101 teaches you proper form - which I was doing wrong even after reading and watching how to do it. He is motivating and it's a quick workout. I'm doing level 2 and am done in 15 minutes. His mottos is who doesn't have 20 min a day? It's true. Today I popped my 6 month old in her exersaucer and my toddler was napping and I got in a workout and feel awesome! I am only beating myself up for not doing it earlier in the day since I'm so much more motivated now (which is also impressive because it's super gloomy and raining out)

    Please feel free to friend me if you want to keep motivated with KB exercises. I've been doing low carb for 6 months now and no exercise so I need to get the exercise to drop those last 9 pounds and hopefully drop 5% or more body fat!
  • Erika521
    Oxygen Magazine had a great kbell workout in the February issue!
  • Angeliize
    I use the kettlebell with Michelle Khai but now have many tabs opened with everyone's suggestions. lol! I love it!
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    bump for later.

    I just started with Kettlebell.
    After doing it once at my workout class, I HAD to go get one. :happy:
  • sgff24
    sgff24 Posts: 2 Member
    love kettlebells
  • thejumper
    I use Kettlercise full body programme by Guy Noble, do three 55 min sesions a week at home, love it.