Looking for feedback on diary - Any nutritionists here?

I'm 1 week in... I'm starting to get a better handle on nutritional content on various foods. There are a couple areas where I have a few questions and wanted some opinions..

- Thoughts on the overall distribution of carbs to protein to fat? I tweaked the settings slightly to lower the percentage of carbs and increased protein as a goal.... Not that I'm getting there.
- Any suggestions on types of food above what I'm doing to increase potassium? Most foods I see rich in potassium are all carbs and very heavy on sugars...
- I'm a bit light on net calories... What do people do if they get to dinner and they see they are going to be light, and are full after dinner... "Top off" with something calorie dense? Healthy suggestions?
- Does my sugar allowance look right? One apple and I've consumed half my allowed assortment of sugars. This one seems tough. Wondering if I should "ignore" it if the bulk are coming from fruits.

A couple call outs:

I just found out how to create new categories... I just separated snacks into morning and afternoon snacks, although for the past week they were lumped into snacks... And now looks like they are all in morning snacks.

For a couple reasons... I need to keep a check on vitamin K rich foods... ,id prefer to be all on top of leafy greens... Any favorite veggie options... Especially snacking foods that aren't heavy on vitamin K?

In the summer months I cycle a lot... Will do metric and English centuries... On rather hot, humid days (97+F and 80-95 percent humidity), my legs will blow up around mile 60 or so... Very crazy muscle spasms... After looking at my diary, I've tweaked event day time nutrition which has helped... Looking at my diary... I'm wondering if I more of a long term potassium/sodium deficit is at play here... Thoughts?

And something I'm very proud of... I'm typically a heavy caffeine and soda drinker... I typically would average well over a 2L of diet soda a day.... When I drank coffee I always added creamer and several artificial sweeteners. For the past 9 days, mornings consist of a couple cups of black decaf coffee, water throughout the day, and an occasional glass of wine.
