Want to buy an elliptical for my home

Any recs.suggestions on specific models etc

Thanks, kim


  • amyholan
    amyholan Posts: 7 Member
    No suggestions on machines, but I would suggest taking a look at Costco. I've seen some there that seem really high end, and for really good prices.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    NordicTrack E5 vi bought mine at sears... It's wonderful i use it every day and it comes with Ifit and 8 programmed workouts, it's smooth on the joints, easy to use and just wonderful.. I bought one from walmart a few months ago and it make my knee's hurt and after a few months the pedal broke. The Nordic Track is a little expensive but so worth it. I must say i do love my ellipitcal and how often do you hear someone say that about a exercise machine it also folds up so it doesn't take up much space.. I can't really feel that it's working and i love how it gives you different workouts and you can buy Ifit cards which are buy jillian michaels and they help you burn even more calories and lose weight..
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    :blushing: Just saw i said i can't really feel that it's working i meant i can!!!! i sweat like crazy and i can already see results on my legs and arms..i havent weighed in yet but i will tomorrow so we will see if it's working for sure!!!!!!!!!!