Gone from WW for good!



  • hidlyn
    hidlyn Posts: 2
    I have left WW behind as well. Their program from last year in particular did nothing for me, my mother or sister. We all waited for weeks to lose something and all the scale did was bounce up and down 2 pounds. I'm going to try strict calorie counting for a while and make good choices. We will see how that goes. This app really is amazing so far. The list of foods is extensive!
  • SuzieQ724
    SuzieQ724 Posts: 86 Member
    I have done WW several times over 20 years and got to goal and became a Lifetime Member. BUT, as time went on, they began changing their program every year and encouraging you to buy new products all the time. The leaders changed time and time again and usually the new one was worse than the last. The company is owned by the HJ Heinz Company (the ketchup people), so be assured their motive is toward profits. I concluded the program was not for me.

    I'm really happy with this site and feel I've gained more knowledge in the couple of months I've been here than in the years I spent at WW.
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    Thank you, OP for starting this thread. As I read each response, it was like a confirmation that I made the right decision to join MFP. :happy:
    Me too! Was wavering between the two. My final reasoning for MFP, it offers as much if not more than WW, Only thing are meetings & they cost extra :huh: I wasn't going to go to them anyway. So it became a no brainier for me Glad I'm here and all of you :happy:
  • polarexpress79
    Just looking around mfp, this site has more than the ww online site does. I am excited to be apart of myfitnesspal, and I expect nothing but great things.
    Positive attitude goes a long way. I am also buying a piggy bank and going to put the fees I would pay each week in it. I figure why not save to a treat, or reward when I hit a certain goal.

    : )
  • porkchopmolly
    I was on WW for a few years. I really like the maintenance part, but I've never got there! After the last change I stopped losing and I have not had success with it at all! I too finally go fed up with paying for something that was not working. Good bye WW!!
  • Serrulata
    I agree. Have been on WW on and off. Lost 75 lbs. Not all this was from WW, though. I believe you van do this without it and ultimately, it is the only way that I believe you will be consistent. Just bite the bullet, come here for support, ideas, etc. Personally, I have gone wheat free-low carb/limited processed junk and am feeling a wonderful change. Wheat just affects me badly and is not needed in the diet (although, you hear all the rage about whole grains). Not needed. For me it's working. There is no one size fits all anything with diet or exercise. I do believe WW is out to just make money and don't put forth what they preach with regard to balance in there foods. Just my thoughts. Good luck to everyone in New Year!

    My health and fitness instructor presented a no wheat/sugar/dairy challenge last quarter. I didn't do it at first, but after I injured myself in a TRX class I tried just no wheat to make up for loss in activity. (didn't do full challenge because I don't feel risk outweigh the benefits of dairy products like yogurt, and while there is gluten free beer, ethanol is a sugar and I do enjoy a drink once in a while :p)

    I have been doing the wheat free diet since 12/7 (minus 5 days I spent in California for Christmas - I was broke and the only veggies my family had were smother in cream or cheese)

    I lost 10lbs in water weight the 1st 2 weeks, as time progresses I find that I am eating much less when I use alternate carbohydrate sources.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    I feel the same way! It's a good feeling. I am on the right path and my stomach is nowhere near as upset. It's fabulous. Those TRX bands are tricky. You really have to be coordinated for some of the moves and a very good core (ever done a pike on those things?). I've tried it... When no one was looking. I will stick to the ball for that move. I am going to really try to continue the mo wheat/sugar,etc for the year. I don't have that dire craving need anymore that I used to and that just is amazing in itself. I had always craved bad carbs and I am shocked that I can just say no now without going through massive withdrawal. I am not going to say I won't ever have a drink (not big beer drinker) but do like others that are sugar. For the most part I am doing good planning ahead. Good luck to you and maybe next year around this time we will still be on here and have huge successes!
  • Kristin208
    Kristin208 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a current WW user (that's actually how I've lost all of my weight), but the scale hasn't moved in the past two months. I've been using MFP and WW both for the past few days to see which I like better. I'm LOVING MFP, I'm just worried once I quit WW I'll fall "off the wagon" so to speak.

    Any advice would be helpful!
  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    I've tried them all, proteins, WW, private dietitician, groups, etc. and always gained back and +. I vowed some years ago that I would never again enrich some people or organisation on my fat (money) ! With MFP, it's the first time that I'm really confident to be successful (confident but still scared to death...)
    Thanks MFP for the hope you're giving me! And thanks to all of you, MFP friends! I plan to be with you for the next 3 years!
  • susiesweets
    I cannot agree with you more!! I hate that every year they change the plan when really what you need to accomplish is pure and simple reduce your calories and portion control. I love this ap. I love the bar scanner in particular. Lets be losers together. LOL

    Bar scanner? I must have missed something ... what?
  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    When you use the iPad app, you can scan a product when you want to add a new food to your log. Look for the sign on the right hand side of the screen. I love this feature!
  • gillybeanz74
    gillybeanz74 Posts: 34 Member
    I left WW in November. And I have had more sucess here then on there. I played the game on WW I was up on week down for 2 then back up. I was wasting money and heck $60 in my pocket is way better then in WW Pocket. A friend told me about MFP and I absolutely LOVE IT!! I tarck even at work from my iPhone and if I am out I track right away.

    And the support is great!! No one standing pretty much right behind you when you have to weigh.

    Anyone who wants to add me for support go right ahead
  • LdyPsych
    LdyPsych Posts: 79 Member
    I still have a membership (only 3 mo) and thinks it is a great program for many (particulary the way they gear it now with a veggie/fruit focus and stressing reasonable goals). The real draw was their database and apps (and to a lesser extent, an easier way to conceptualize healthy choices by point units). But I am tired of logging food/exercise at both and no longer find any point in doing that since I can log from my iPhone with the MFP apps. So, this is very likely my last month with WW also.
  • LdyPsych
    LdyPsych Posts: 79 Member
    Bar scanner? I must have missed something ... what?

    Susiessweets - it's a bar code scanner you can use at the grocery store or wherever (similar to the WW scanner app). When you click to add a food On you iPhone or other device with your app, there is a small button to the right of the search box that has a tiny bar code on it.... Click that to open the scan feature (it actually works faster than the WW app in my experience, there is a FAQ about it here somewhere but you probably won't need it). I am sure there are mistakes, but there are also mistakes in the WW program and so far it has been accurate for my foods). Good luck! :smile:
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    WW transplant too! I was absolutely successful with WW, just got sick of paying money for them to tell me what I already know. Exercise and eat less while making better choices :) MFP has been just as helpful. Add me for support, anyone. I could always use some myself.