Anyone with fibromyalgia/ CFS??


I was wondering if there are any of you who like me suffer from fibromyalgia/CFS?

I have them quite badly and really want to lose weight my meds made me gain. As you'll know, I can't really exercise much so I was wondering g if anyone had any tips to speed up weight loss

Feel free to add me as a friend would be great to have some who are going through the same challenges as me xx



  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    I don't have fibromyalgia.. but my mom does.
    I don't know if it would be with every sufferers, but when she changed her diet for healthier and lighter.. and walked more, she had less crisis and felt 100% better... her problem was to stick to it lol
  • freindsofmine
    freindsofmine Posts: 123 Member
    Options name is dawn and yes I have both,and also lupus,I will add you ,ok.
  • ChristinaR720
    I have Lupus, and part of my reason for being here has been my meds, as well. Here are a few things I have done or learned since starting MFP that have made a huge difference:

    * Caloric intake matters, and staying at or around your daily intake goal will make a huge difference. You can lose weight just by counting calories.
    * Exercise when you are able. A 10-minute walk does wonders! Because of the pain and fatigue, there will absolutely be a need for rest days, so try to take advantage of the days when you are feeling okay enough to get up and go.
    * Don't overdo it when you exercise. I do the elliptical on an almost daily basis, but I am careful to not go overboard.
    * I always hated when people told me this, but exercise does help a lot. I try to exercise right away in the morning, and I find I have a lot more energy and am in less pain on days when I do.
    * There are some exercises you won't be able to do, and that's okay. I tried doing Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred, but had to stop because it was too hard on my knees.
    * Drink lots of water and try to avoid consuming too much sodium. Staying hydrated will help with the fatigue.
    * Try to get 8 hours of sleep every night, if possible.
    * Try to make your own meals whenever possible and keep lots of healthy options around for snacks throughout the day. Part of my issue was taking shortcuts and going out to eat or grabbing fast food a lot because I was too tired to make anything.

    Hope this is helpful!
  • samanthamunton
    Thanks for the replies! It's so nice to here from others who have the same issues xx