Walking for beginners?

Hi all,

Ok, so obviously I am not new to walking, I am 31, not an infant ;)

What I am new to is walking for exercise, rather than walking to get somewhere.

I am beginning to accept that running is close to impossible for me on a regular basis for health reasons (lupus & the killer joint pain that goes with it) so I need to be doing more low-impact exercise. I intend to up my swimming and stationary cycling (who knows, I might even get a bike again and do some real cycling, too!), but for times when the pool/gym is not available or I can't go, I'd like to try walking as 'proper exercise' that can be logged and stuff.

When I started running there were all sorts of things to do re footwear, hydration, recovery, measuring how hard you're working, etc etc. I am figuring walking is also not as simple as 'get out there and do it'?

How often, how long, how fast? Is there a training plan anyone recommends? I'd be really grateful for suggestions to help me get off to a good start!


  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Walking really can be as simple as "just do it" - provided it's medically "safe" for you. Running is a huge strain on joints and ligaments and that's why one should build up slowly and have proper footwear and all that. Walking lacks the airborn factor and doesn't stress the body with the same force. So if you're up for it, strap on your shoes and go for a walk-however long you feel like walking. As for speed, "brisk" walking gets your heart pumping more, but "brisk" is relative to your current fitness level and not a set speed. Bring a bottle of water if you're worried you'll get thirsty. Happy walking!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,119 Member
    Yeah, just get out there and do it. Of course, good shoes and hydration are still important.
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    Good shoes, good music in the headphones (careful of cars!) and get out there and do it.