What have you done to get motivated?



  • brandyjones1991
    brandyjones1991 Posts: 34 Member
    I've been pretty heavy my entire life, so losing weight is something I've always wanted to do but was never really able to stick with.

    For the next three months everyone at my job and my boyfriend are competing against each other in a biggest loser contest. Although it's a competition we are all trying to help each other and for the past few days since we've started it's been great! Knowing that everyone around me is doing this too is a great motivation.

    Another big motivation for me is my family history. My great-grandfather died from complications after he had to have open hear surgery, my grandfather died of a massive heart attack at 43, his brother died this past summer from a heart attack, my Dad had a heart attack when he was just 32 and had to have a quadruple by-pass this past October and he's only 38. I'm built just like my grandfather and I've had elevated cholesteral for a few years now. I'm only 21 and so to head off the family heart disease I really need to turn my life around now before these problems can no longer be fixed with just diet and exercise alone.

    Great forum topic by the way!

    I agree- great topic.

    I also had once joined a group- which was great for about a month. Slowly, members started to drift away and lose interest which was incredibly disappointing for me, as I relied on this group for motivation and support- I thought it would be GREAT if there was a group effort and a PLAN to follow. They eventually said "lets start again", and I declined. They did not start again, so i guess i made the right choice.

    I am NOT trying to discourage the group approach- in fact, I LOVE the idea! I actually think it would work very well, with the right people, you know? If I join a group again, I would make the group my second priority and put my goals ahead of anything and everything. Which is slightly selfish in a group environment, but in a way, if that group sinks- you really don't want to go down with it.

    Make sure you have a dingy!!


    Although it's a group effort, it is about individual effort. We are also staking money to just add to the competitive part. It is making it easier to have this support and also we all come in and talk about what we ate and what we did to work out. I understand it being an individual effort, but I think it's harder to go at it alone, especially when the people are you are eatting things you want but know you shouldn't eat a lot of.