Former addict....of diet coke.



  • Hotshoe1200
    Hotshoe1200 Posts: 46 Member
    I was out here searching for diet Coke in some posts to see if anyone has given it up (or HAD to give it up.) In my mind, I always knew I should find something healthier to drink, but a few months back, I developed stomach pain that the doc thinks is gastritis (I thought ulcer). So caffeinated beverages are out for a while and I haven't had my precious diet Coke since January 1. I asked the doc if I can go back to diet Coke after I kick the gastritis and he said, "No, why would you want to? Have you read the ingredients? It's all chemicals." I had the headache on day 1, but now I'm past any physical effects of quitting. Well, if you don't count getting drowsy in the afternoons. Now I'm just dealing with the emotional connection to it. It was MY BRAND. It was my treat after getting 4 glasses of water down. It was what I enjoyed while working at my computer at work and later at home.

    I have noted that people say it will make you fat, but it's more the things you eat along with it that will do that. I know there are a hundred reasons to give it up permanently, but I can't disconnect with the IDEA of having that treat.

    I justify it by thinking that I can just have one a day, or one a week, or just have one when I'm out at a restaurant. (Because I can't get myself to enjoy a water with dinner and although I like the other types of drinks they serve, I just don't want to waste my calories on water.)

    I am ok until after lunch at work, when I typically opened a can for my afternoon. Then I would get another one after I got home from whatever I was doing that night. (Maybe it's a strong association with working on my computer?)

    So I was hoping for some encouragement here from people who quit or in the process of quitting. I wish I could feel proud or happy that it's been 18 days but I don't. I just want that treat!