
Hi, my name is Lisa. I'm 23. I just joined this site and actually started logging on Christmas, and I've fallen in love with it! I've lost about 11 lbs (at least) altogether since I started trying about a month ago, and being a member of this site has been very motivational for me! I'm trying to lose 90-95 more lbs and get down to 165-170. I'm 5'8. I'd like to make some more female friends on here who have/had similar goals so we can encourage each other and keep track of our progress together, not as competition, but as comrades. If that's you, feel free to add me! And as always, if you are around my height and have before and after pics, I'd love to see!


  • frogprincess05
    frogprincess05 Posts: 9 Member
    I'll be your friend!
  • emr0034
    emr0034 Posts: 50 Member
    Supportive friend here, add me if you like! :)
  • cheyannek
    ill be your friend.. aparently i signed up a while ago but never used it lol i never knew so i am going to give it a try maybe it will work for me this is the first time getting on :)