What do you love to do?

Ive found that i really love to do most of my workouts outside< hiking etc. What are some fun ideas/ what are YOUR favorite outdoorsy things to do?


  • jess393
    jess393 Posts: 220 Member
    I live in MT, which is SUCH an outdoor state, but I rarely do anything out there! However, this past summer I went whitewater rafting, and I LOOOVED it. Will be spending more of my days off outside this summer :smile:
  • emilykg12
    emilykg12 Posts: 119
    Yaaay, Montana!

    I go hiking a few times a week in the summer. I love whitewater rafting, too. Rock climbing! Swimming at the lake! I'm so sad it's only January ...
  • I'd love to go hiking, but since the Netherlands is as flat as a pancake, I'm sticking to running ;)
  • hacker1234
    hacker1234 Posts: 225 Member
    I love to golf. Even tho we're in January, here in Ohio, I was able to golf twice a week up until about 3 weeks ago. It was great. Now it appears I'll have to put the clubs away until late March or so and then start all over again.
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    No question about it--I love to golf. Being a Minnesotan, I know that I can't play all year 'round, but that is what I love to do.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I love cycling into the New Forest then going for walks in the heather among the free roaming ponies there.
    I also just love walking anywhere in the countryside.
  • jo1591
    jo1591 Posts: 7
    Hiking! spent the summer in the mountains and loved every second of it. Def moving out of the flat midwest soon :)