i have 14 pounds to lose... but now im thinking its more?

hi there,

i constantly feel like im posting questions, but i suppose this is what its all about.
so... i weigh 140 pounds and my goal is to get to 126 pounds. (so i was assuming i would be quite slim like i was before)

however... im constantly looking in the mirror and checking out my 'fat bits' and i know i still have quite a lot of stomach fat, still have a slight double chin and my arms are still quite flabby.

so now im worried that these parts wont slim down with only 14 pounds. and i know as im not that heavy that it will take longer for the weight to come off and im getting frustrated.

i would appreciate your opinions. thanks


  • so i was wondering if i should aim to lose more. thanks
  • You'd be surprised at what only 5 lbs would do! You'll see changes, don't worry! Start with the 14 and if you feel like you still need more to lose, then keep going! As long as you're losing in a healthy way, that's what matters
    Also, providing your height would help in answering this question!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Wait until you get there and re-evaluate, you nor we have a crystal ball. Be sure to maintain your muscle mass with enough protein and intense strength training. Stop constantly checking the mirror, take them down or cover them.
  • Are you doing strength training/toning? That will make a big difference too.
  • i would re-assess once you've lost the first 14. also, theres a difference between skinny and fit, so you can be an "ideal weight" and still be flabby. if you're exercising to tone your body, then 14 lbs might be more than enough.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    maybe you should consider strength training, building muscle while shedding fat. you are not fat now and if you think you are you'll probably still think you're fat at 126. the end.
  • i do abdominal crunches at the moment. i am 5 ft 3.
  • try something like jillian michaels 30 day shred to speed weight loss and tone as you go then you might be pleasantly surprised at the toned new you