Need some serious butt kicking

I have been so bad with eating the last few days. The bad thing is that I've been good for almost a year and I know better. I have been eating a lot of junk and feel like I'm losing control. I'll even tell myself I shouldn't be eating a certain food and I go ahead and eat it anyway. I have been keeping up ok with exercising, but eating has been horrible. Someone please give me a good butt kicking and helop me get back on track. Thanks for your help.


  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    :flowerforyou: Okay... don't beat yourself up... you messed up, okay... so tomorrow is a new day and you will get up with your food planned out from tonight and start a whole new day... Right??? :happy: We all slip up and we all need that nudge to get back on track... you are almost there because you are calling out for the rest of us to give you a bit of a push... Well, Hun, I'm pushing... you have invested so much into yourself you don't want to let go NOW... :bigsmile:
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    I just read this and thought it was appropriate:

    If you have made mistakes...there is always another chance for you. You may have a frest start at any moment you choose, for tjhe thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.

  • THuffers
    Again... don't beat yourself up too much. I think everyone needs a day or two of total destruction once in awhile. Just remember how great you felt when you were on track and remember that tomorrow can be a whole new start. If you are craving something you shouldn't eat, try to find a healthy substitute that will satisfy the cravings. Also, try to keep the junk food out of your house for the next couple days/weeks (or however long it takes!). That way you must choose the best foods.

    Considering you went a year with healthy choices, you should be proud you did it. Now plan this next week to do the same. And then the next. Then the next. It takes three weeks to start (or restart!) good habits! :-D That's all. You can do it!
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Unless aliens have taken over your body and are controlling your actions, YOU decide what you put in your mouth. Could it be that you're so close to your goal you feel like rewarding yourself? You definitely deserve a reward, but make it something other than food. Remember why you started this - it wasn't just for the pounds but also for living healthy and feeling good about your choices. Get back on that wagon - you can do it! :drinker:


    Consider your butt kicked :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: