Hello from Ohio!!

Hi everyone! My name is Evie, and I have 150-ish pounds to lose altogether! I know that it's going to be a long road ahead of me, but I'm willing to make the effort! I hope that I can find some friends to do this with! Thanks! Hope to talk to you all soon!


  • ChrisC_77
    ChrisC_77 Posts: 271 Member
    Good luck to you!
  • Feel free to add me if you like. Good luck!!!!
  • Columbus Ohio here ! My goal is 100 lbs. Add me we can do this
  • Hello AXLRgirl,

    I'm in NC. My wife started me on this site a few days ago. At my age, just looking at a piece of pie, the calories seem to jump at me from across the room. But seeing your goals and recording your progress really does help a lot. I like to walk and am fortunate that the ladies at work also like walking so we started a club. Some of us do 4 miles every other day and then I try to do six miles a day on the weekends. It really does make a difference. I've dropped 3 lbs already and now i can fit into something other than my sweat pants. :-) I wish you loads of luck and keep your spirits high. Take care.
  • Wow! Thanks so much everyone for the support already! I guess I wasn't expecting so much of it! :) But I don't mind! I love it!

    If anyone wants to add me, feel free! I need as much support as I can get! And I'll return the favor!
  • me1269
    me1269 Posts: 18 Member
    hello I'm from Ohio as well. Feel free to add me as a friend. We can help each other.