30 day shred

I just started MFP today. I have entered in my food but am trying to enter my exercise. I did the 30 day shred. How do I enter it? I can't find it in the data base. Is it cardio or strength? How many calories does it burn??? HELP!!!!!


  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291

    I don't have a heartrate monitor so I was told by others on here to enter it as 20 min circuit training. I beleive it is about 227 calories
  • AllisonMS
    AllisonMS Posts: 104
    I put it in -- as advised by someone here when I was wondering the exact same thing -- as 20 minutes of circuit training.

    It's 221 calories for me.

    I'm at Level 2, Day 6 (I'm doing 10 days for each level, but I may stick on level 2 for longer; some things I just can't do that well yet. Oh, the burn! My 5-year-old says, "Mommy, do it like Natalie, not like Anita!")

    You might be interested in the new group that started last week for the 30 Day Shred. They're all doing it together and it might be motivating for you. I check in occasionally to see where they're at.

    Good luck!
  • LosingLori
  • LosingLori
    Thanks Alison! Yeah...my kids were 'exercising' with me too tonight! More of doing their own version or branching off into different exercises that they do at school....but entertaining, none the less.

    Thanks for the info on the shred group that started last week. I did level 1 day 3 today...so I am not too far behind!!!

    Thanks again!