
Hey! I'm new here, I have lots of weight to lose and I'm also dealing with fibromyalgia. Anybody out there in the same boat or any friends at all would be helpful!!


  • I have also been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. While exercise makes me feels better, sometimes I am so tired...makes it hard to exercise and also hard to prepare nutritious food.
  • Dealing with Fibro, and all that goes with it is a hard enough thing to deal with, but then having to lose significant weight, working full time plus and when you have time for yourself, you hurt too bad and are too tired to exercise. Would love to chat with anyone who has learned or has ideas for dealing with this.
  • I also have fibromyalgia as well as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - exercise is a real challenge. I find that once I get in a habit, it is easier. However, if I have a flare-up and am down and out for a few days, it's like I have to start all over.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I also have fibromyalgia as well as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - exercise is a real challenge. I find that once I get in a habit, it is easier. However, if I have a flare-up and am down and out for a few days, it's like I have to start all over.

    I don"t have fibromyalgia, but with my chronic fatigue syndrome w/myalgia and chronic migraines, I feel the same...I get into a groove, have a bad couple days with it all, and it takes forever to get back into a groove again. The CFS and migraines leave my muscles weak and sore for a few days and I am never back to where I was.
  • JoyfullMovement
    JoyfullMovement Posts: 108 Member
    I have fibromyalgia and HMS, a soft tissue glitch. I can so relate to the fatigue being an issue. Repetition is such a factor also. I realize now, hard headed you know, that if something is hurting I better switch it up no matter how much I love the activity. Running through foot pain left me with an issue that never healed. I kept working out through nagging hip and groin pain. Now I need a hip replacement. Have any of you experienced something like this where your body seems susceptible to injury?

    I have found that when I leave certain things out of my diet I don't wake up with the crippling stiffness as often or as severe. (Sugar, bread, pasta, and artificial sweeteners other than stevia).

    Thank you all for sharing.
  • Taliababy2023
    Taliababy2023 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I broke my back years ago and now suffer from Fibromyalgia too. I find it overwhelming to exercise and work too. I’ve heard keto might be the way to go since I have ALOT of weight to loss. I’d love to find fibro friends doing Leto