Hips hurt

Would anybody know why my hips would start to hurt after 15 or 20 minutes of walking?
Thank you.
PS: I could be my age? I'm 54.


  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    I have the same question.When I run my left hip (actually where you would have a crease when sitting/area (on front of hip) hurts like heck. I have been running 3.1 miles 3 times per week...
  • tiarubyleo
    tiarubyleo Posts: 3 Member
    Are you wearing proper shoes? What type of surface are walking on? Ill fitting or improperly cushioned shoes can cause strain on your joints. Different surfaces also change the way you walk, pavement versus grass. Do some research to find out what the best shoes / surface available to you would be.
  • Buckeyegirl71
    I just went to my chiropracter on Friday for the same thing and I was diagnosed with Bursitis of the hip. Both sides of my hips ache after running on the treadmill. The amount of time that a person has bursitis depends on the cause of the bursitis. With treatment, many people feel better in about six weeks, but it may take longer for bursitis to heal. I was given the following info from my chiropracter.

    Causes hip bursitis:

    • Constant pressure on the hips. This is often caused by standing or sitting on hard surfaces for long periods of time.
    • Direct, hard hit to the hip. This may happen if there is a fall on the hip.
    • Health problems such as scoliosis and arthritis.
    • Infection.
    • Overusing the hips. This is caused by doing activities or sports that use the same motions (movements) over and over again. Examples of repeating motions are running, climbing stairs or hills, and pedaling a bicycle.
    • Past surgeries such as hip arthroplasty, or hip joint replacement.
    And sometimes people do not know how they developed hip bursitis.

    Hip bursitis usually causes pain, aching, and stiffness. Pain is different depending on the type of hip bursitis.
    The pain may be over the outside of the hip and thigh. The pain may be in the buttock and later move into the hip. The pain may also be in the groin with some milder pain in the opposite hip.
    Pressing on the hip or turning the hip and leg inward as one flexes the hip may make the pain worse. The pain may be worse when getting up from a deep chair or getting out of a car. A patient may have trouble sleeping because the pain may be worse at night. Pressing on the groin may make the pain worse.

    The hip may feel stiff and not be able to move as well as before. A person may hear a "pop" or "snap" as they flex or pull the leg up. Walking up stairs may be harder to do.

    A physician will examine the hip and ask questions about activities. A patient may need x-rays, bone scans or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These tests will show a picture of the bones and tissues inside the hip. Physicians can do these tests to learn if a patient has a fracture. They can look for bone spurs or joint and soft tissue problems.

    How is hip bursitis treated?

    • The most important part of treating bursitis is resting the hip while the bursa heals. Rest the hip as much as possible to decrease pain and swelling. Resting may also prevent the bursitis from getting worse. Avoid activities that make the pain worse, such as walking up stairs. Sitting on a cushioned chair or foam donut may help decrease the pain. When the pain decreases, begin normal, slow movements.

    • Ice causes blood vessels to constrict (get small) which helps decrease inflammation (swelling, pain, and redness). Put crushed ice in a plastic bag or use a bag of frozen corn or peas. Cover it with a towel. Put this on the hip for 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times each day. Apply ice for two to three days or as long as the pain continues. Do not sleep on the ice pack because frostbite can develop.

    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine: These are also known as NSAIDs. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine may help decrease pain and inflammation (swelling).. This medicine can be bought over-the-counter. But be careful... these medicines can cause stomach bleeding or kidney problems in certain people. Always read the medicine label and follow the directions on it before using this medicine.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I have arthritis in the hips (also spinostinosis - arthritis in the spine) and have found a 'good' pair of shoes helps me the best... but your's may be a treatable ailment. I would have a doctor check it out. :flowerforyou:
  • dlmskidmore
    I just finished physical therapy for similar pain. I had bursitis in both hips and was given a cortisone shot in each to regain the ability to walk freely. The therapy included specific stretches, strength training, amd ice packs after each session. Sitting too long really aggravates it. Yesterday, I had part of the pain including sporadic shooting pain in my psiatic nerve in right leg. I did a lot of stretching. Today I started the walk and started getting the psiatica again, so I experimented with my foot position and by pronating the opposite of what is natural, I actually straightened it out. I was on the beach,so it was easy to adjust my foot landing position. It's an ongoing challenge, but I think part of the problem also maybe not holding in the abs and getting unnatural pulling on the joint, since I have over 50 pounds to lose. I share your pain!!
  • balance9
    balance9 Posts: 160
    Did they hurt before you started walking? I know you are just getting back into an exercise routine...I think if it was a bursitis or arthritis issue you would have had symptoms other than post-exercise. I had bursitis for awhile, and it hurt just to sleep on that side and even to stand up.
  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    there are lots of shoe stores that will watch you run to see if you pronate or supinate (or look at your old shoes -- are the soles worn out asymmetrically on the heals?) and recommend shoes that will support you better. you could also have one leg longer than the other and an insert could help with that.
    definitely worth seeing a professional before you hurt yourself worse and have to stop running!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    It could also just be your muscles adjusting to new exercises. Even with walking you need to make sure and stretch after a walk to maintain flexibility. See a doctor if it does not go away, but my hip muscles can be sore if I change up my workout routine. Ice and heat and Ibuprofen will help if it is muscle pain! Keep moving but don't over do it!
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    My hip joints get pain on the outside, like maybe where my thigh swings when walking, but on the outside of the leg. It's a very small spot on both legs. I only get the pain when walking and I don't have it when I just start out, only after walking for a while and sometimes I don't get it at all. But when I do, it hurts enough to make me stop walking.

    The pain stops immediately as soon as I stop walking.

    I don't think it depends on my shoes because I've only been wearing my snow boots to walk lately and sometimes I will get it and sometimes not. The same thing with any shoes I wear, sometimes yes, sometimes no.

    I noticed yesterday that when I was walking through the snow the pain stopped, and it was because I was picking up my leg high, like marching, and that did not hurt, but when I went back to walking normal it started to hurt.
    Am I doomed to march down the street instead of walking?! lol!

    Does this sound familiar to anybody and if so, what did you find out what it was?

  • CarriePierman
    CarriePierman Posts: 1 Member
    The pain is from doing the same movement over and over again. the best thing is to ice it 4 times a day and do different kinds of cardio. that way you are changing the movement in your hips. Be sure to rest and ice them its important
  • Chrissytinaz
    My hip joint hurts too when I walk, Jog or anything else that involves exercise from the waist down. I'm old too. I have bought a couple different types of running shoes, didn't help. My guess with mine is age :43 or maybe arthritis.