3rd attempt lucky?

Hey folks,

Just wanted to say hi to everyone. This is my 3rd and final attempt at losing weight and going better than expected so far. Started 10 days ago and haven't hit the hunger barrier yet!

I'm really impressed at some of your losses! Hope to be there myself soon x


  • mswize
    mswize Posts: 113 Member
    Stay with it! The third times a charm!
  • JinxRita
    JinxRita Posts: 191 Member
    Best of luck! All I can say is to keep at it, and to remember that to keep going is less effort than starting all over again. :)
  • 3rd time lucky indeed! This is my 3rd time too! Tried with Jenny Craig and with Lite n Easy... this time doing it on my own! And learning things on the way! Add me as a MFP and we can compare notes :)