Can I Eat This?



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Soda usually tastes gross to me now, even real sugar soda... but if you like it, drink it. Just stay within your goal calories. I will have a quality ginger-ale on occasion, and Guinness is at least once a month!!

    Guinness should be once a day. It has lots of vitamins!
    Yeah, it is good for the Bs. The signs in Ireland often read, "Drink Guinness, It's Good For You!"

    I just received a framed photograph of the side of the Cabbage Shack in MI that says "Guinness is Good For You". Best present ever!

    I suppose I'm bogging down my Porsche, because after I ate my turkey burger and side salad, I topped my tank off with a whole slice of peppermint bark cheesecake. :bigsmile:
  • MelbourneBelle
    MelbourneBelle Posts: 105 Member
    What else is good to drink?

    Before I have drank:

    - Water
    - Gatorade
    - Mountain Dew
    - Monster Energy
    - Arizona Iced Tea

    I enjoy peppermint tea and cammomile tea. I tend to let them cool to room temp before I drink them. I sometimes have green tea, which I drink hot. With meals I might have sparkling mineral water with a slice of lemon and/or lime, and sometimes a squeeze of lemon/lime juice.
    Iced teas can have a lot of carbs from sugar in them, so be aware of what you are drinking - tha's not to say don't drink them, just be aware of the cals. I like the Lipton's brand ones, at around 80 cals.
    Also be aware of your portion size - 250 mls of one of the above flavoured drinks is probably ok, 600 mls is probably overdoing it.
    I hope this helps :)
  • Pelly57
    Pelly57 Posts: 169 Member
    What else is good to drink?

    Before I have drank:

    - Water
    - Gatorade
    - Mountain Dew
    - Monster Energy
    - Arizona Iced Tea
    Everything on your list is full of sugar. You can have them, but you will trade those calories for something you could have eaten. I finally re-educated my palate so that I don't really enjoy sweet beverages. Outside of plain water, which can be boring, I enjoy plain green tea, cold or hot, black coffee and sparkling water. But it took a while.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    I have to agree with Dr. Bork Bork. You will get what you put in. If what you want is great health, to feel better, Mountain Dew is not going to do it. I get that you may be addicted to sugar. I have been a food addict for most of my life until I decided it's enough! I have quit whole grain/carbs, sugar and process food crap. If you truthfully do it- you will not believe how good you will feel and how much energy you have. I know I can say this to you and you are probably thinking ya right. Trust me you don't ever want to be obese or super obese. Both my parents are and I will NEVER be like them. My dad is losing weight and getting better. Mom- no. It's no fun for anyone and no joke. Good luck!
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    I drink a lot of water 11-15 glasses per day. I drink a lot of tea I brew myself. I drink some diet soda. My favorite is Diet Mountain Dew. I don't drink regular soda as I'm diabetic. I also drink milk. Eat and drink what you want within your calorie budget. Keep it as healthy as you can stand. Good luck on your journey to health.
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    For the water part.
    Something I do is I drink Mio (if you haven't had it, get it). There are plenty of flavors, and they are 0 calories, 0 fat, 0 everything really. You just squirt it in your water! So you can have different drinks (tastes) all while having water. There is also a new Mio Fit that has electrolytes and vitamins in it, I drink that one while working out. :) Try them! Put as much or little as you want, Good luck! :)