beef stir-fry

you will need frozen veggies of your choice {I use kroger brand frozen veggies} asian style and mexican style are my choices for this meal.I also like to and a bag of frozen peppers and onions.but its whatever you also need lean cubed stew beef.some worcestershire sauce and some soy sauce {I use low sodium soy and worcershire sauce} .and rice {I use kroger brand microwavable rice} but you can use regular rice to.

1.cut beef cubes into bite size cubes and cook it in a skillet with some water and seasoned meat tendorizer
2.while the beef cooks,cook the veggies over medium heat in a non-stick skillet with a lid
3.cook rice while the beef and veggies cook
4.when the beef and veggies and done mix them together
5.when rice is ready plate it and put the mixed beef and veggies over top of it
6.add worcestshire sauce and soy sauce to your taste and enjoy!