Got to get off meds!!

Giving this another shot to get off diabetes meds. Wish me luck! Anyone else have to lose weight or die?


  • I'm on statins for cholestrol :( trying to get off of them too. Feel free to add me and good luck.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I wish you luck and yes that's why I started to lose wiehgt.

    Not because I am at risk, like you are, just because if I don't do something about my weight...

    My hips will give out on me. I wish you luck and welcome.
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    Giving this another shot to get off diabetes meds. Wish me luck! Anyone else have to lose weight or die?
    I don't know about "lose weight or die", but I got a pretty dire message from my Dr. about seven months ago. I needed to do something immediately to avoid my blood sugar going past "pre-diabetic" and I was also on cholesterol meds and threatening to be diagnosed a hypertensive. My doc suggested I consider bariatric surgery or dramatic lifestyle change. I chose the latter with very good results so far.
  • LeslieN65
    LeslieN65 Posts: 127 Member
    GOOD LUCK!! Keep us posted! YOU!! can do this!!
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    I was 320 with blood sugar at 548, and A1C of 14% and was hospitalized. I was put on Humalog and Lantus. I immediately went to work changing my lifestyle. After 3 months of hard work I am down to 266 pounds, A1C of 6.4%, was taken off Humalog and am now being weened off of Lantus. I am able to maintain my glucose through nutrition and exercise. It CAN be done, but it takes complete dedication and a lot of hard work. I still have about 60 pounds to lose so I'm hoping to lose half of it over the next 12 weeks. Friend me if you need support.