At the risk of offending people...



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i was just about to add you but then i realized that WLJ was an abbreviation for weight loss journey and no. Just no.

    Obviously you aren't a weight watchers crossover. I'll get over it.

    Is WLJ really a WW term? Ok, i won't hold it against you. Add me.
  • SweetSailor
    SweetSailor Posts: 81 Member
    You guys are cute. I was being as equally as sarcastic using that abbreviation as I would have been on WW message boards (another abbreviation!) and I realize I'm new. I'm rather shocked you hadn't heard it before me though.
  • Kind of new so I hope this is appropriate to post in this forum since it's on topic. I would like to add more 'friends' on this site that have open diaries and in addition actually log real Fitness and Exercise. I am looking for that kind of inspiration and motivation. Not so and so burned 3000 calories doing light house cleaning, or sex, or dancing (unless it's real actual aerobic dancing). Nothing against people who are doing this, I get that it's better than old habits for tons of people, and I'm sorry if I'm sounding like your workouts are not 'real'. Just for me, it's not a realistic option and my WLJ would come to screeching halt if I tried to fob off my workouts with stuff that's already been part of my life.

    My diary is open, I am in the last 10 stretch, I bust my hump in the gym 5 days a week or better. I'm active on MFP and train with a trainer, as well as on my own. I run, I hike, I do yoga, I love a good stairmaster, I'm dreaming of a 10k in April. I want my friend feed to be filled with So and So just burned a bunch of calories doing something I want to try.
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    "I thought we said no more Journey psyche outs!"
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    i was just about to add you but then i realized that WLJ was an abbreviation for weight loss journey and no. Just no.

    Obviously you aren't a weight watchers crossover. I'll get over it.

    it's the word Journey.....that word belongs with Steve Perry ...

    that's all....we don't do journey's here....

    Don't Stop Believing....=)

  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    "I thought we said no more Journey psyche outs!"
    How about this instead?:
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    i was just about to add you but then i realized that WLJ was an abbreviation for weight loss journey and no. Just no.

    Obviously you aren't a weight watchers crossover. I'll get over it.

    Is WLJ really a WW term? Ok, i won't hold it against you. Add me.
    No, it's not. I was a WW member for a year, and I never once heard weight loss called a "journey" until I joined MFP. I'm not saying it's exclusive to MFP, but it sure as hell didn't come from WW.

    Oh, and before someone says, "Well obviously you never went to the WW forums", yes, I did.
  • Some people on here like me suffer a lot of pain and are getting on in years so logging in exercise like preparing meals or doing light us that is exercise. Sometimes just standing preparing meals can be painful for me if standing too long. I do do about 5mins ofstrength exercises and to me that is a big deal. I am not offended by what you say but thought i would give you the bigger picture.
  • I'm about to start a ladies cross fit boot camp, scared to death! Still learning about this site so not sure what the diaries are but I'll post things as they happen! I have a blog I've been keeping track of it all :-) I know what you mean though!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i was just about to add you but then i realized that WLJ was an abbreviation for weight loss journey and no. Just no.

    Obviously you aren't a weight watchers crossover. I'll get over it.

    Is WLJ really a WW term? Ok, i won't hold it against you. Add me.
    No, it's not. I was a WW member for a year, and I never once heard weight loss called a "journey" until I joined MFP. I'm not saying it's exclusive to MFP, but it sure as hell didn't come from WW.

    Oh, and before someone says, "Well obviously you never went to the WW forums", yes, I did.

    What??? The OP is trying to pull a fast one?

  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    i was just about to add you but then i realized that WLJ was an abbreviation for weight loss journey and no. Just no.

    Obviously you aren't a weight watchers crossover. I'll get over it.

    Is WLJ really a WW term? Ok, i won't hold it against you. Add me.
    No, it's not. I was a WW member for a year, and I never once heard weight loss called a "journey" until I joined MFP. I'm not saying it's exclusive to MFP, but it sure as hell didn't come from WW.

    Oh, and before someone says, "Well obviously you never went to the WW forums", yes, I did.

    what you lookin at?
  • SweetSailor
    SweetSailor Posts: 81 Member
    i was just about to add you but then i realized that WLJ was an abbreviation for weight loss journey and no. Just no.

    Obviously you aren't a weight watchers crossover. I'll get over it.

    Is WLJ really a WW term? Ok, i won't hold it against you. Add me.
    No, it's not. I was a WW member for a year, and I never once heard weight loss called a "journey" until I joined MFP. I'm not saying it's exclusive to MFP, but it sure as hell didn't come from WW.

    Oh, and before someone says, "Well obviously you never went to the WW forums", yes, I did.

    What??? The OP is trying to pull a fast one?


    Yes. I completely made up that whole bit about it coming from the WW message boards (member circa 2006-2011). I like how she gave credit to MFP for the term journey though.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    i was just about to add you but then i realized that WLJ was an abbreviation for weight loss journey and no. Just no.

    Obviously you aren't a weight watchers crossover. I'll get over it.

    Is WLJ really a WW term? Ok, i won't hold it against you. Add me.
    No, it's not. I was a WW member for a year, and I never once heard weight loss called a "journey" until I joined MFP. I'm not saying it's exclusive to MFP, but it sure as hell didn't come from WW.

    Oh, and before someone says, "Well obviously you never went to the WW forums", yes, I did.

    What??? The OP is trying to pull a fast one?

    It's all lies!!!!

    ALL OF IT!

    (Note to the moderator's: I'm kidding. I obviously don't think the OP is lying. It's all in jest. Yay for fun!!)
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    i was just about to add you but then i realized that WLJ was an abbreviation for weight loss journey and no. Just no.

    Obviously you aren't a weight watchers crossover. I'll get over it.

    Is WLJ really a WW term? Ok, i won't hold it against you. Add me.
    No, it's not. I was a WW member for a year, and I never once heard weight loss called a "journey" until I joined MFP. I'm not saying it's exclusive to MFP, but it sure as hell didn't come from WW.

    Oh, and before someone says, "Well obviously you never went to the WW forums", yes, I did.

    What??? The OP is trying to pull a fast one?


    Yes. I completely made up that whole bit about it coming from the WW message boards (member circa 2006-2011). I like how she gave credit to the saying to MFP for using the term though.
    OP, I think you misunderstood. "Weight loss journey" is absolutely not a new term around these parts. It's just a much loathed term by a decent amount of us.
  • JenniferEM2012
    JenniferEM2012 Posts: 229 Member
    You can add me. I do my diary a little differently however. Everyday I log in and fill in my exercise. I only log my food on Fridays. I write everyday down in a daily planner then at the end of the week I log it all in. When I was losing weight for my wedding this way help me because I was actually writing it down and not just pushing a button on the computer. My diary is set to open so as long as you are okay with me logging my food that way you can add me.
  • SweetSailor
    SweetSailor Posts: 81 Member
    i was just about to add you but then i realized that WLJ was an abbreviation for weight loss journey and no. Just no.

    Obviously you aren't a weight watchers crossover. I'll get over it.

    Is WLJ really a WW term? Ok, i won't hold it against you. Add me.
    No, it's not. I was a WW member for a year, and I never once heard weight loss called a "journey" until I joined MFP. I'm not saying it's exclusive to MFP, but it sure as hell didn't come from WW.

    Oh, and before someone says, "Well obviously you never went to the WW forums", yes, I did.

    What??? The OP is trying to pull a fast one?


    Yes. I completely made up that whole bit about it coming from the WW message boards (member circa 2006-2011). I like how she gave credit to the saying to MFP for using the term though.
    OP, I think you misunderstood. "Weight loss journey" is absolutely not a new term around these parts. It's just a much loathed term by a decent amount of us.

    Got it. I promise to NEVER utter those three letters together again.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I don't log normal cleaning...but I do log things such as taking down and putting up holiday decorations as cleaning. Mainly because I usually break a sweat because it involves a lot of up and down ladders and such. And personally, if you have turned your cleaning into a workout, say dancing while you are vacuuming, etc...I would consider that a work out because you are putting forth something extra than normal. But I do agree, wiping of the table should not be logged lol.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    i was just about to add you but then i realized that WLJ was an abbreviation for weight loss journey and no. Just no.

    Obviously you aren't a weight watchers crossover. I'll get over it.

    Is WLJ really a WW term? Ok, i won't hold it against you. Add me.
    No, it's not. I was a WW member for a year, and I never once heard weight loss called a "journey" until I joined MFP. I'm not saying it's exclusive to MFP, but it sure as hell didn't come from WW.

    Oh, and before someone says, "Well obviously you never went to the WW forums", yes, I did.

    What??? The OP is trying to pull a fast one?


    Yes. I completely made up that whole bit about it coming from the WW message boards (member circa 2006-2011). I like how she gave credit to the saying to MFP for using the term though.
    OP, I think you misunderstood. "Weight loss journey" is absolutely not a new term around these parts. It's just a much loathed term by a decent amount of us.

    Got it. I promise to NEVER utter those three letters together again.
    You'll do just fine around here.
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    i was just about to add you but then i realized that WLJ was an abbreviation for weight loss journey and no. Just no.

    Obviously you aren't a weight watchers crossover. I'll get over it.

    Is WLJ really a WW term? Ok, i won't hold it against you. Add me.
    No, it's not. I was a WW member for a year, and I never once heard weight loss called a "journey" until I joined MFP. I'm not saying it's exclusive to MFP, but it sure as hell didn't come from WW.

    Oh, and before someone says, "Well obviously you never went to the WW forums", yes, I did.

    What??? The OP is trying to pull a fast one?


    Yes. I completely made up that whole bit about it coming from the WW message boards (member circa 2006-2011). I like how she gave credit to the saying to MFP for using the term though.
    OP, I think you misunderstood. "Weight loss journey" is absolutely not a new term around these parts. It's just a much loathed term by a decent amount of us.

    Got it. I promise to NEVER utter those three letters together again.
    You'll do just fine around here.

    Why yes she will....welcome! =D
  • You can add me. I'm still learning, but honestly log everything :) i also only count at least 30 minute of exercise where my heart rate goes above 150 towards my "calorie out" goals.