hello ready to feel brand new

Hello so im 28 years old and well im ready to get off my lazy *kitten* and start feeling better and start getting back into shape.i stop dieting and working out for awhile because i had a baby about a yr ago.I just want to feel healthy again, before i got pregnant i was dieting and had lost 30lbs i was so excited and so proud of myself that i couldnt wait to go shopping for new clothes but then a week later i found out i was pregnant.. so now to the present 2013 im ready for a new me and im ready to do it all over again...my goal this time is 50 lbs i know i can do it i just have to be motivated and have fun doing it and have lots of support...


  • Congats on having your baby!
    If you've done it before, you can do it again!

    Good luck! :happy: