Any mamma's of young children out there?

This is my first week with MFP and I am looking for friends for support. I am a mother of two little girls ...3 years old and 8 months old. It's hard to keep the motivation going when your exhusted from taking care of the children and working a full time job. Was hoping to find some friends out there in a similar situation whom I can turn to for support and help me to stay motivated :smile:


  • stephaniemancia
    stephaniemancia Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I'm starting this week too. I have 2 kids a boy (2 1/2) and a girl (1 1/2). They are 11 months apart so I completely understand being exhausted and lack of motivation!!! What plans or route are you looking at taking? I need to lose 60 lbs... I'm going to start really watching what I eat and I think doing the 30 day shred.

    Welcome and good,luck!!!
  • Twylyght
    Twylyght Posts: 224 Member
    Mine isn't that young anymore...he's 5 (for about another month). But I totally understand where you are coming from...sometimes it's just easier to sit and relax after a day then workout! If you want to add me we can motivate eachother off the couch and into a smaller size!
  • joyszewczyk
    joyszewczyk Posts: 4 Member
    I actually just started the 30 day Shred tonight. I am hoping to loose around 80 pounds. I am watching what I eat and trying to stay away from sugar.
  • Natcat81
    The 30 day shred is pretty awesome and will definitely be a good kick start. I'm doing the couch to 5k running programme and I'm already on week 6 so getting somewhere.
  • Natcat81
    Oh I have one baby she is nearly 1..:smooched:
  • Bon90
    Bon90 Posts: 8
    I have a 4 year old girl and a 1 year old boy :) I found the 30 day shred great (didn't actually finish it) but because it is only a 20 minute workout, I could fit it in when my little boy had his nap also had time left for a shower :) x
  • hadlam83
    hadlam83 Posts: 140
    Heya, I'm Helen. I've got 2 kids Adele who is 12 weeks and Harry who is 3 years old. I know exactly how u feel about being exhausted with 2 kids. Feel free to add me for extra motivation.
  • Foggy7640
    Welcome :smile:
    I am a mother of 3 : my youngest is 11 month old:tongue:
  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    Hi hun. I am a mother of 4 and my youngest is 6 months. I also work part time. I work out all the time. Feel free to add me.
  • JenS2586
    hi i am a mama to 3 (4th on the way) my two youngest are just over a year old. feel free to add me.
  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    Hi hun. I am a mother of 4 and my youngest is 6 months. I also work part time. I work out all the time. Feel free to add me.
  • lisatheo1986
    Hi all, I am a mum to a little boy (who is 3, nearly 4! So actually not that little!) I am new to MFP and am looking to interact with people that I can turn to when I feel my will power is fading or just need some words of encouragement. I saw some comments about the shred - can I ask what that is?
  • lavender91
    Hi, I have a 5 year old daughter :) this is my first day on MFP !
  • wonderwomn27
    wonderwomn27 Posts: 40 Member
    I have 4 children, ages 16,6,2 and 2 months and im SINGLE!,,,LOL I dont work,but everyday house duty never stops... its gets very intense at times, but im very tired of carrying this extra weight around. So i try and have everything ready in advanced for me hitting the gym the following day.I too need motivation, especially since my last child. But I know we can do this, we gotta think positive. :) GOOD LUCK and I know you'll make it :)
  • mlclarke22
    mlclarke22 Posts: 551 Member
    Hey ladies! Im a mom of 3(6,4,16 months), work full time and have lost 45 lbs since august(hoping to lose another 35-45 by this coming august!) feel free to add me!
  • sbodi88
    sbodi88 Posts: 18
    I have a 5, 2 and 6 month old! You'll find lots of support here! Feel free to add me ladies! :)
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    I'm a mom of three. 1 boy, 2 girls. Ages 6, 4, and almost 2. My two oldest just started school this year (well my son is kindergarten but my middle one only does half day preschool ) so I'll be working out when the little one is napping and the middle one is home. I used to work out at night when all three were home. I did if for along time but some days I just DID NOT want to push play. It's hard but if you can keep up with a quick workout that is effective and you'll have time to just sit and do nothing afterwards and not lose your entire night, you'll stick with it. 30 day shred is a great one. I never finished it but I'm starting again tomorrow. Good luck to you :)
  • lulu7485
    Wow, I'm a mom of two boys who are also 3yrs and 8 mths!! I live in the S. OKC area. I work a full-time, a part-time, and I'm a consultant for 31, I totally understand!!! I've been a member for about a year but I'm starting a workout routine this week and I'm sticking to it!!! I've started participating in 5K's and they're a blast!! Do you have a gym membership or anything?
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    Hi There, I am the Mama to a 15 month old girl and I work full time. I am just finishing my first week with MFP and seeing results already. I am counting calories and have eliminated wheat and sugar to try to curb my sugar addiction! So far so good with eating, although I am having trouble figuring out when/where/how to get exercise in. I hate being away from her all day so taking more time away from her to go exercise just doesn't seem worth it. Its cold (winter) where we live so I am hesitant to take her out for walks in the cold. Any suggestions?

    Feel free to friend me :-)
  • kraid
    kraid Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am just geting back into MFP after a long break, I have 2 boys 21 months and nearly 3 months, I am a SAHM. I have PCOS so am trying to lead a healthy lifestyle to combat the symptoms and help the chance of conceiving #3.