I need friends.. :)

Hey! I'm in a very small town in Ontario, Canada! :) I used to work part time at a pharmacy but now I'm in school for psychology!

I'm looking to get more confident, and I wanna be cute in cute clothes! Everyone always says I'm so little and cute because I'm only 4'9". But I'm not as tiny in the middle section. I want to be cute and little in every which way! It's a good comparison to my boyfriend too, haha. He's 6'9". He loves picking me up and tossing me around, but I would love to be smaller so he can keep me up for longer. :) Plus, I wanna look super cute in a bathing suit! I'd kill for it. :P I think bikinis are ADORABLE.

I'm looking to lose 50 more pounds. I'm down 20 (from the summer.) Picking up where I left off!

I need some inspiration to keep going!
Add me as a friend! :)