Hi I'm Val x

Am new to My fitness pal and am so far loving the app/website. Looking forward to chatting to you all. I have about 2.5 stone to lose but am thinking in terms of short term goals for now to keep me motivated. Want to lose 8lbs over the next 6 weeks This will take me to 11 Feb. My birthday is on 14 Feb and I am planning not to have an alcoholic drink until then.


  • slinkycat1729
    slinkycat1729 Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome to the site Val.The people on the site are lovely and will give you th support you need to help you on your way to a fitter, healthier you. x
  • majortom52
    majortom52 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Val that sounds like a plan to me. I quit on NY day see how long I can last. It's so hot and humid here at the moment a nice cold beer would go down nicely right now.
    From Perth Western Australia 39C today at the start of another heat wave, I say another we had one last week then it cooled for 3 days now we're off again.
  • Hi ladies. Thanks for your posts. Am just about to post my calories for my main meal. Am aching like mad after first bout of exercise for ages yesterday. Good pain though ! x