Lunch help for someone with IBS

I am struggling to work out what to have for my lunchs and for some of my dinners. as i already cant have many foods as i am on medical diet, and things like tomato based foods are out.

I also have IBS and i have found that recently that bread and pasta are giving me really bad stomach aches. I dont really want to have soup for lunch as i have it for dinner quite a bit

does anyone know what i could have for lunch instead of bread/pasta or bread based items



  • alamarana2885
    alamarana2885 Posts: 91 Member
    take dinner for lunch! you could do something like fish/chicken, rice and a veggie or throw some canned tuna on a salad. you can even make sandwiches with lettuce as a stand in for bread (not as tasty in my opinion, but I've done it). sometimes I just do yogurt, fruit and nuts if i'm going through one of those weird "not hunger" periods.
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    salad with say egg or nuts? baked potatoes with like beans, tuna, coleslaw?
  • I will try Jacket Potato and Rice, but heard anything with gluten and yest or something can be bad for people with IBS. But i am just going to cut out pasta and bread at the minute to see if the stomach aches goes

    I was thinking of going gluten free, but the things are so expensive for my budget and now sure i will get it on prescription

    I have just started with my diet, and i am looking into new things, as i love to cook but dont have the things needed, but looking into making my own things like tuna, mayo etc
  • Wol5894
    Wol5894 Posts: 127 Member
    I would definitely go down the route of making your own things, especially if you love to cook. It's perfectly possible to make a decent gluten free loaf of bread using gluten free flour and doesn't cost anything like as much as a finished product from a shop. Try to actively establish what irritates your digestion and what keeps it calm and then work out from there what you can cook for which meal.

    If high protein works for you, then go for it but take the medical advice you are getting already - they are the ones who can give you help, so use the help that is available as much as possible.

    You don't say where you are based. Are you in the UK, USA or what? Have yu tried joining an online self help group for IBS, there are plenty out there if you Google them but go for the ones with proper reseach to back up their claims. Here's one to have a go at - if you look under the Intolerance or Allergy? tab at the top, you will find some help on IBS there.

    It can take WEEKS to find out what foods suit and what don't, so you must be patient - in those circumstances it would be wise not to try to lose weight at the same time as trying to find out what foods you can and can't eat. One step at a time - find the foods that work for you and THEN deal with the weight.
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Greek yogurt perhaps, that would help with healthy gut flora as well. I feel your pain, I had IBS for many years but since eating healthy and working out it is much improved.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Try eliminating foods containing the additive called "carrageenan."
    The industrial additive is a GI irritant.
    This is what I figured out was causing my bite of something with that in it can make me "sick" for a week.

    One helpful thing I found was the use of a particular fiber formula called Colonix by
    It soothes the GI tract and removes waste so your gut is cleaned and not irritated.

    After discovering these two things, I have stopped eliminating this food and that food....I can eat whatever, just like I always had:)

    Hope you feel better