I'm trying to stay motivated!!

I got a new haircut yesterday, and took some photos I uploaded a few, but looking at the photos I took and after this week I must say I am learning to love myself again!! An it feels wonderful. I just can't stop talking about my work outs and the foods I eat and how much and I am complaining how sore my body hurts to everyone. But also admitting I'm proud of myself. It is hard to stay at this feeling, because I live with people who eat take out and are snackers. It is really hard but I have been saying NO to offers and to there dinners. It's very hard they are not supportive at all. I cut out juice and cola for over 2 weeks now. Been working out for the past week. Eating healthier for the past two. Slowly I am getting there. Has anyone had this issue with living with people who are not supportive of your decision to lose. Even though it is staring them in the face that you must do it. I don't want to discouraged myself even a little, but when did you start seeing results? and what helped you stay motivated? For info I was 233 lbs @ December 31st. I haven't weighed myself but I will by the end of this week. Any inspirational stories would help me out a hole lot thanks for reading...!!!


  • jenfoxjercha
    jenfoxjercha Posts: 51 Member
    My husband is a snacker and can eat anything he wants. He is supportive and sometimes even reminds me that I can't eat something but it doesn't help when he has to pick up his double chocolate cupcakes each week. I weighed 233 lbs when I started on my journey. I have lost 4 pants sizes and feel amazing. This year I went to New York with my son and we walked all over for an entire day. There is no way I could have even attempted to do that when I started. The muscle that I have put on in place of my fat is amazing. Take the small achievements and celebrate them just as much as the big ones. You can add me as a friend if you need additional support.