Please DO NOT add foods to the database....



  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    This was really unnecessary. To be more constructive you could have formed your alternatives and left it in the feedback section of the forums.

    I think the idea of cleaning out some of the database is a good one, but you went about it the wrong way. People have just as much right to add foods to the database as you have to ask IN CAPS that they don't do so.

    Of course people have the right to add foods to the database, I was not suggesting otherwise. I did form an alternative, which was to first carefully check the database for existing entries before typing in duplicates. It makes the database unnecessarily cumbersome to have so many repeated foods.

    I respect your opinion that this was unnecessary. Sometimes I too see a post that I feel is unnecesary, I just choose not to answer it. :wink:
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    Some things are different in the U.S. than in Canada Like milk, butter, cookies and some frozen food. I would be nice if someone put if it was Canadian or not if it's different than the U,S one

    I agree if I ever do add anything its usually only because what is there is in the American formats (different amounts therefore different calories ect) but when I add it I always put CANADA beside it so I can find it again when I need to LOL But I do look before I add and agree there are way to many duplications and triplications...ect ect.

    See, THIS makes total sense and gives logical reason for a duplicate entry! Maybe instead of just assuming, if we all put US, CAN, FR, SP - whatever - that might cut down some of the duplications. I'll bet that people get so tired of looking for what they need and just add their own and without realizing it, select "share" rather than "don't share". I will *try* to make sure to add US to anything I might enter if it's clearly new. That will help EVERYONE, it would seem. GREAT idea!!!

    This is another good alternative! In fact, maybe on the screen where we enter foods, there can be an additional field for country of origin?
  • OneMission
    OneMission Posts: 160 Member
    Agreed and the worse part is when the entries are wrong.

    I concur! I usually end up having to "fix" entries :grumble:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    This was really unnecessary. To be more constructive you could have formed your alternatives and left it in the feedback section of the forums.

    I think the idea of cleaning out some of the database is a good one, but you went about it the wrong way. People have just as much right to add foods to the database as you have to ask IN CAPS that they don't do so.

    Truly glad there are members like you here :drinker: not afraid to speak up!

    I agree instead of constructive solution by the OP it turned into something else.:noway:
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Sometimes I too see a post that I feel is unnecesary, I just choose not to answer it. :wink:

    Take advantage of the rights bestowed upon you by those who have fought for your right to voice your opinion. Just because you disagree and are in the minority doesn't give anyone the right to ignore you. After all, you didn't ignore me.

    Anyhoo, I made my point and further comment will derail this thread, so I will henceforth abstain.
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    I often add the same products that are already in the database, but when I do that I usually opt to not let other users see them. This is because I don't want to clog up the database with my extra repeat entries. I will always check if the correct info is in the database first as well, then if it's not I will add it for my own use.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I just make sure I identify it with my name. That way when I want to look up my "recipes" I enter my name and Walla :wink: No harm done :flowerforyou:
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    when someone fixes an entry does it change the original entry or does it just create a new one? this may be why there are so many entries. People see the incorrect one, go to change it and since it remains others will correct it as well. Maybe this is something that should be brought up on one of the other boards where suggestions and questions to the creaters of MFP are asked.