Cliche! Let's get sexist in here!



  • Dyann_Alvarez
    Dyann_Alvarez Posts: 61 Member
    I think I'm just typical. I loove being a girly girl. I love when he opens the door for me and I love keeping the house clean and making his dinner. I can make and deliver a perfect baby (without drugs) but when I have a cold or feel bad I like being babied and he does that for me. Yeah... I'm typical I guess! :happy:
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    Typical: girly girl, I love shopping and make-up, I'd spend my last penny on shoes, suck at driving

    Breaks the mold: I can kick any guy's behind when it comes to home repairs
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Lets see if I do this right...
    Typical womanly thing I do: 100% of the housework, I cook, I clean, I get his supper for him first as well as always fill his drink before getting my own. His needs are always met before mine.
    Not so typical thing I do: I'm proud of this ^ I don't complain about it. I'm glad to do it! I'm not a feminist and I genuinely love to care for my husband. I also care for his friends and my friends before taking care of myself. Blows his friend's minds and his family thinks it's strange, like I'm really medieval or something. Thing is, I don't force this on other women, it works for us. This was not the way I was raised (my parents were more of a 50/50 partnership) but this is the way I prefer it. I'm not less of a woman because I like to serve my husband and take care of him, If anything I'm more of a loving wife than some people.
  • TexanAngel79
    Typical:: I do most the cooking, cleaning and taking care of what kids need. I do all the bill paying and grocery shopping!

    Break the mold:: I am the sports fanatic! I yell, throw things, and do not like to be bothered while watching a game! Love watching a game live, but can handle watching it on TV too. The hubs prefers it that way due to my hollering whether the team makes a good play or a seriously stupid mistake!
  • plcowner
    plcowner Posts: 106 Member
    Typical: love the NFL

    Break the mold: I do the laundry and lots of cleaning at our place
  • SavvyGurl0528
    SavvyGurl0528 Posts: 228 Member
    Typical: Cook, clean, laundry, housework.

    Break the mold: Hate shopping. I'll sit outside the store while DH shops. Hate talking on the phone, but DH talks long enough for both of us. I also feed the cattle and horses (yes, even in the winter) and do most of the vet work, plus mow lawns.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Typical: DIY for home improvement & car/motorcycle maintenance

    Breaks the mold: I arrange flowers pretty good. I did all of the flowers (including my wife's bouquet) for our wedding.

  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    Typical: Love sports, nap on the couch, snore like an elephant, fart like a warthog, mow the lawn in the summer/ shovel the snow in the winter, do minor repairs around the house.

    Break the mold: Do 90% of the cooking, 60% of the housework, look after my 3 year old daughter during the day, did the same for my five year old son. Like sappy ballads and love songs,and I've been known to tear up during movies involving little kids or old people.
    Oh, and I moisturize.
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    Typical: Works full time

    BtM: Cleans, cooks, does the dishes, and read to my kids.
  • mclarkin75
    mclarkin75 Posts: 51 Member
    Typical: prays, cleans, sews, cooks, reads, homework,crafts, volunteers .......typical Mom and youth minister stuff!
    Breaks the mold: wears converse, loves Monty Python and rap music!
  • MbiggsHFD319
    MbiggsHFD319 Posts: 427 Member
    Typical: Cook, clean, laundry, housework.

    Break the mold: Hate shopping. I'll sit outside the store while DH shops. Hate talking on the phone, but DH talks long enough for both of us. I also feed the cattle and horses (yes, even in the winter) and do most of the vet work, plus mow lawns.

    You just described me perfectly.but I will add to it but I can only really add to the break the mold anything with wheels, fast cars, faster the better, jacked up 4x4's, semi trucks, NASCAR and just about any sport.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Typical: Watches sports, drinks beer

    Break the mold : Take care of my woman first
  • stepherzzzzz
    stepherzzzzz Posts: 469 Member
    Typical: I own more clothes and beauty products than I know what to do with

    Breaks the mold: I hate pretty much all chick flicks, I don't cry over movies (except for ET when I was four) and I've never seen The Notebook
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    Typical: I like pink...alot

    Breaks the mold: I rock at Mortal Kombat
  • VelvetMornings
    Typical: I like clothing, dressing up and dresses. And heels.

    Break the Mold: my humour is a lot more crude than most guy friends I have, I don't have the capability of holding a grudge, and I can kick quite a bit of *kitten* in video games.
  • OlyOtis
    OlyOtis Posts: 70 Member
    typical: runs and hides during wifes menstrual period

    Breaks the mold: tracks said period with an app on my phone and woos her with all necessities and pampering
  • icandowhateveriputmymindto
    Typical: I love clothes and dressing up for fancy occasions

    Break the Mold:

    I don't scare easily. The dark doesn't bother me - my mom tells me stories about how I used to go alone into the kitchen at night without turning the night on to get water all by myself at age 4.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Typical:love hair and make up- very girls girl.

    Break the mold: very aggressive alpha personality... Even in the bedroom :smokin:
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    typical: runs and hides during wifes menstrual period

    Breaks the mold: tracks said period with an app on my phone and woos her with all necessities and pampering

    Wondering how he woos and pampers her while hiding?
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Typical: I count calories, have insecurities that I'm fat, and love chocolate.

    Breaks the Mold: I like watching UFC! And not to impress guys... I will watch it at home by myself, in my pajamas. I go to amateur fighting events too. I guess it helps that I used to do kickboxing/jiu jitsu so I actually know what's going on.