Spin Class booked - terrified!



  • chriscolh
    chriscolh Posts: 127 Member
    Spin is great! I love love love how much it makes me sweat! All the advice here is great - get there early, have the instructor help you set up your bike, and don't forget the water bottle and towel. Your butt will hurt the first few times, it's true. But after the 3rd class, your body will be used to it and you can just enjoy the workout. Best thing about spin class above other classes is that we do it in a darkened room, so there's no peer pressure. If you can work through the sore behind for a few classes, (and you can - if I can do it, anyone can!) you will love the great cardio and leg workout you'll get!
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    I love me some spin!! Even at 260lbs, I LOVE IT!! ...

    Go at your own pace, don't worry about how fast your going, or if you can't keep up. If you are tired, don't stop pedaling just slow down.. and do push yourself!!

    Mostly have fun and move!!
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    Love spin class! Give it a try and go at your own pace :)
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Spin is awesome! I agree with what everyone else said, and also the classes at my gym are in the dark, so nobody can see anyone else anyway. Not sure if they are all like that. I love the loud, upbeat music too.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    You will sweat lots! Enjoy!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Yeah spin is the easiest to get away with being inconspicuous when you're not up to it. If you can't keep up, slow down the resistance to nothing and pedal away til you can do more again. No one will notice.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I love, love, love spin but I was nervous when I did my 1st class in Sept. My gym only started offering it then so I wanted to try it.

    Your ar*e might be a bit sore after, but not too bad if you make sure the saddle and handle bars are in the correct position. The instructor when I did my first class didn't bother helping anyone, so I ended up in a wrong position and was uncomfortable.

    I did spin today and it was a good class as the music worked well with what we were doing. I did it last Wed with a different instructor and found the class a bit boring.

    They turn the lights down really low at my gym and have lights on the wall that flash in time with the music!

    I always look forward to spin :smile:
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Get there early, towel and water bottle, suitable shoes, cycling shorts if you have them.
    Definitely ask for help in setting your bike up if you don't know how to do it yourself (most common mistake is having saddle too low....).
    If you struggle for fitness ease off the resistance.
    If you struggle with the standing elements don't be afraid to skip or reduce the duration of the standing cycling - no-one will judge you (everyone was new once!).

    Most importantly - enjoy it and then book your next session.
  • avargas15
    avargas15 Posts: 26 Member
    mushmouth, thanks for posting, and thanks everyone for responding. Today is my orientation session so I can start spinning, too... so this has all been very helpful... never thought about getting a seat at Walmart! All good advice... I can't wait!
  • FrankenBeanz
    FrankenBeanz Posts: 176 Member
    Very upbeat! Thank you!!!

    Our class is in the middle of a very large gym floor, but I'm not overly bothered by that.

    mushmouth, thanks for posting, and thanks everyone for responding. Today is my orientation session so I can start spinning, too... so this has all been very helpful... never thought about getting a seat at Walmart! All good advice... I can't wait!

    Ahh good luck! Let me know how you get on!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I have started going to the classes at my gym. Bootcamp, Circuit and Legs, Bums and Tums type classes, and I LOVE them.

    I can only go to the gym after 8pm, and tonights late class is spin... I've never done it before and it terrifies me! I'm no where near as fit as I want to be, and spin looks incredibly daunting!

    So, please, could I shamlessly ask for a bit of motivation and encouragement to get my *kitten* in there tonight? :blushing:

    Listen, I am a Spinning fanatic, and I went to my very first class EVER in October 2011. I was so scared because I thought everyone was going to be an expert, and I was going to look like an idiot. Obviously if the instructor is a jerk, then there's nothing you can do to help that, but my advice is to GO EARLY so that s/he can help you set up your bike and give you a few pointers (what the different positions are, etc.). Spinning, when taught right, is a very inclusive workout, and no Spinning instructor should ever make you feel bad or touch your resistance knob (major no-no).

    I felt like everyone was so encouraging that I became hooked!

    You'll be sore "down there" for a while, but that does pass - after your 3rd or 4th class, if you go regularly enough, you won't be sore anymore.

    Otherwise, have a great workout and enjoy!

    PS - I love the studio where I Spin, and my sister and I were featured in early 2012 on their website. You can see what we have to say about our love for Spinning as well as our advice for newbies. I'm Rebecca, and Jessica is my sister: http://charlestonride.com/6297/awesomeness-report-jessica-monsell-and-rebecca-seibert/
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Spinning rocks.

    Don't wear long pants, they can get caught on the pedals.

    You control the tension of the bike and nobody else can tell how hard you are working (if you are worried about keeping up).

    Enjoy the burn, spinning makes my legs look fab :)

    ^Agreed, shorts or pants that end just below your knees/high on your calves are good.

    Don't worry about what other people are doing. I see people using bad form all the time during classes (so follow the instructor, who should be correcting those people when they walk around to check in on everyone), so don't use others as a guide. They probably aren't noticing you, either, so don't feel self-conscious.

    Wear comfy sneakers, and tuck in your laces. If you start going enough, you can buy cycling shoes, which will change your life :happy:
  • FrankenBeanz
    FrankenBeanz Posts: 176 Member
    Thank you all so much for the encouragement! I went and I enjoyed it. My goodness did I sweat!!! And my blooming backside hurts!

    Definitely the first of many!

    Thank you all again!
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    Fantastic!!! Thanks for letting us know how you did. Congrats. :)