Fibromyalgia, Fodmaps and Dieting



  • shreck05
    I joined women with fibromyalgia group this morning. :flowerforyou:
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Hello ladies. I have FM, MS and RA. I've lost 60 pounds since May. I joined MFP in Feb but wasn't losing any weight. Joined WW online and the weight melted away. Now things are slowing down since I'm getting closer to my goal weight.
    For exercises I mostly walk, use my stationary bike and do some crunches and leg lifts as well as rowing. I"m not on any meds since they didn't provide any relief for me and only caused me to gain weight. I"m not working but I'm a full time college student, married and have 3 kids.
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    Hello! I have ME and Fibro which started with a virus. I am (or was) a personal trainer and nutritionist. I now spend the majority of my time bed or house bound. I have two young children, my eldest is autistic.

    The things that have helped me are supplements for cell renewal, anti inflammatory and gut health.

    I eat Paleo keto and this has made the biggest change for me, has taken over eight weeks but my pain is much less and I'm learning to pace for energy. I'm working on stress control and I try to stay positive!

    I'm a perpetual student, I read research papers constantly! I have refused medication or pain control because I believe in the body healing itself. I miss exercising, I can walk some days. I did two laps of a pool two days ago and ended up back in bed. So baby steps.....back to do one lap!
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Hi, I have been struggling thru Fibro,Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Osteoarthritis. My energy level is pretty well nil. I had to give up working 5 years ago...between the pain and mental stress I just could not do it anymore. I applaud those on here who are still working, it must be hard.
    The only exercise that I have been able to do is walking..and I do it inside by following *Leslie Sansones Just Walk* DVD. She does a light weight one that you walk in place, moving forward..sideways..up and down..for 15 minutes..that does a 1 mile walk workout. I haven't been up to doing them this week but hope I can do a few days next week.
    When I went off work I really started gaining a lot of weight, my Dr tells me the meds doesn't help..but it is some discouraging no matter what has effected the weight gain. I wish you all were not suffering while trying to lose..but it is good to have others here who are going thru it also, there is more understanding the fight to lose the weight thru illness and strong Fatigue.
    Take Care!!
  • jrhodo
    jrhodo Posts: 43 Member
    I had fibro, it was gluten.
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    I have excluded gluten, grains, dairy, and soy and keep my carbs v low and it has made a huge difference to how much pain I'm in! Sugar causes a massive flare up.
  • shreck05
    I joined women with fibromyalgia group this morning. :flowerforyou:

    After joining this group ^^^, I was disappointed to see how often the members post on it. I think we should stay right here for support because we post more. Maybe we can get things started on that group if we all move over there. I did post and introduce myself. Let me know what you all think. I'm glad to meet you. :heart:
  • shreck05
    I had fibro, it was gluten.

    When you say you "had". Are no longer diagnosed with FM?
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    ^^^^ a lot of our pain is cause by chronic inflammation in the body. 80% of our immune system is in the gut. Gluten wares away at the gut lining and causes leaky gut. A leaky gut allows these allergens into our body causing inflammation.

    Please please buy this book : practical Paleo or The primal me they have been life changing.

    I had Epstein Barr virus as a teenager, I was diagnosed with ME and was sick for two years and then had it under good control but over the years the IBS got worse, various food intolerances were starting etc..I have a virus November 2011 and this started the ME again, I was diagnosed with fibro 6 months later in addition to that. I then got researching! Eating Paleo allows the gut to heal. Heal the gut and you reduce inflammation and therefore reduced pain. I'm still sick but i was having days where I had to be in complete darkness with silence because I couldn't cope with light or I am able to cope a lot better. The fibro fog has cleared, my pain control is much better!

    Please just read the books or look at, look at the success stories and they are filed under illness catagories. I'm a trainer nutritionist and this has changed my view on food entirely.

    Also I have been very low at times but have realised that staying positive releases healthy hormones into the body! It actually helps you heal.
  • shreck05
    ^^^^ a lot of our pain is cause by chronic inflammation in the body. 80% of our immune system is in the gut. Gluten wares away at the gut lining and causes leaky gut. A leaky gut allows these allergens into our body causing inflammation.

    Please please buy this book : practical Paleo or The primal me they have been life changing.

    I had Epstein Barr virus as a teenager, I was diagnosed with ME and was sick for two years and then had it under good control but over the years the IBS got worse, various food intolerances were starting etc..I have a virus November 2011 and this started the ME again, I was diagnosed with fibro 6 months later in addition to that. I then got researching! Eating Paleo allows the gut to heal. Heal the gut and you reduce inflammation and therefore reduced pain. I'm still sick but i was having days where I had to be in complete darkness with silence because I couldn't cope with light or I am able to cope a lot better. The fibro fog has cleared, my pain control is much better!

    Please just read the books or look at, look at the success stories and they are filed under illness catagories. I'm a trainer nutritionist and this has changed my view on food entirely.

    Also I have been very low at times but have realised that staying positive releases healthy hormones into the body! It actually helps you heal.

    Thanks for the advice! This is why I am here on this site is for support and suggestions. I will check it out. :flowerforyou:
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    Your very welcome, tbh it's nice to have people that will listen. I got desperate enough to trial this and was happy to throw it out the window if it didn't work but chemically it made sense. Luckily it made a big difference :)
  • shreck05
    Your very welcome, tbh it's nice to have people that will listen. I got desperate enough to trial this and was happy to throw it out the window if it didn't work but chemically it made sense. Luckily it made a big difference :)

    Well I will have to admit....I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of diet change. That would be a huge step for me. Eliminating chewing gum, artificial sugar, & beans. Plus I'm a big pasta eater and I'm cutting that back as much as I can now. I appreciate your advice but this one isn't for me right now. :ohwell:
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    I know, it is hard and I understand that. For me I was in so much pain and so exhausted that I was prepared to do anything to get better. My boys had lost their mum, I'd lost my business, my life. I was desperate and no food was worth me being this sick for. I don't miss any of it because I don't miss the endless days in the dark alone.

    Just take it one step at a time- eliminate artificial sweeteners (aspartame is a bigger trigger for a lot of people!) and then once your used to that pick another thing :) each step will help towards recovery.
  • shreck05
    You're right! Getting my life back and my kids mother back is important. Small changes. Thanks!! :drinker:
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    I forgot to say...supplement with magnesium! Helps a lot too
  • EpitomeOfSxy
    EpitomeOfSxy Posts: 157 Member
    I have Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue and IBS.

    IDK about others but I have gone against doctors wishes and I work out far more intensely & frequently than they would like me to but now I have reduced my pain, increased flexibility and strength. I am not going to lie the first month or so of exercising after I hadn't in years made me wonder how I was ever going to exercise regularly but now I feel a lot better and do some sort of physical activity daily. I have a bad habit of pretending I am "normal" and living my life like others would. I am aware of my conditions and the consequences and all that, I just refuse to have a reduced quality of life. I may modify what I do versus a "healthy" person but I refuse to think that I can't do it all together. Where there is a will there is a way :)
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    I tried this approach (I'm a personal trainer so it's in my blood) unfortunately it left me in agonising pain and unable to leave my bed. I'm really glad that this worked for you but it can be very dangerous to exercise for a person with ME/CFS however a person with fibro usually benefits from exercise! So it's definitely about getting correct diagnosis and finding out what you can and can't do. For instance I can walk thirty mins on a good day, If I walk more I crash and end up in bed in the dark because it affects me neurologically as well as physically. However, I started off only being able to walk for ten minutes.
  • EpitomeOfSxy
    EpitomeOfSxy Posts: 157 Member
    I think any progress is progress. I know that for everyone their journey and ways to cope are different. I was diagnosed as a child with RA so I have always known pain, so my tolerance is far higher than anyone else who would have been diagnosed later in life knowing what "pain free" is. I don't. I started out being stiff all day, to doing 10 minutes on the elliptical and slowly building that up to an hour a day. Just recently I started jogging/running on the treadmill doing max at 6.0 mph. I started out slow but I didn't let anyone tell me I can't. I went white water rafting as well, I paid for two days but the first day wore me out so I didn't go the second. I find for myself at least, a lot of it starts out mentally. If you go into it telling yourself you can't - then you can't. At one point a few years ago before I allowed myself to become sedentary again I was leg pressing 450 lbs and my specialist had a freak out about me doing that. Sure enough though, I stuck with body building type routines and my joints were in the best condition they had been in years. I don't like to be defined by a medical textbook or because others with my condition can only do "x y and z" I am just suggesting testing the waters and seeing what you body can do before you allow a doctor or others to tell you, you can't. I respect everyone's choices to do what they want with their bodies. I just want everyone to acknowledge there are always exceptions to the rule and perhaps you're one of them.
  • shreck05
    Hello All! How is everyone doing today? It's very foggy and dreary here in central PA. Overall I'm feeling well. It's one of my better days so to speak. I've been staying within my calorie range but haven't been exercising. I've had a lot on my plate with my family this week which left me exhausted on top of the pain.

    I hope everyone is doing well too. :heart:
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    Hey!! I'm doing good considering. Been good with my food and made some great new friends that I'm looking forward to getting to know! Have a great weekend x