Back Again!

Hello Everyone!

So this time last year, I was very dedicated and lost close to 20 lbs--I was so proud! Unfortunately, I slowly got lazy and over the last half of the year gained nearly all of it back. Ugh.

Anyway, I'm back again, and really looking for some support and motivation to keep with it this time around, I want to make healthy eating a lifestyle for me instead of just a means to losing weight, I have two young girls that I want to make sure grow up with healthy eating habits.

A little bit about me--I'm 33 (almost 34), I am originally from upstate NY, now live in PA, and have two little girls, 2 and 5 years old. I work part time as a chemical engineer and recently opened up my own photography business on the side. I travel quite a bit for work, and have a really hard time planning out healthy meals and keeping up with regular excercise with my busy schedule! Any friends would be very welcome :)

Thanks, Jay