Migraine Help!



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I have chronic migraine (15 or more days per month). I take Imitrex, it's the only thing medication-wise that helps. Heat works better than cold for me. If I drink hot tea, take a hot bath, and put a heating pad on my neck it helps some. A dark room and sleep is the best remedy if I don't have medication.

    I agree with whoever said you need to figure out if it's really a migraine since regular headaches have different remedies. Good luck, they really are the worst.
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    Have you tried Mylanta for the vomiting? Sometimes my daughter's anti-nausea med doesn't work but when I give her mylanta it stops it.
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    At the onset (I get auras, so it's pretty easy to define) I take 2x advil or aleve and have a coffee or a mt dew. Also, I have to avoid all compact fluorescent lights. Yow.

    Get your doctor to explain what is going on in a migraine. There's all kinds of nonsense going on with neurotransmitters, excited nerves, swelling. It'll help you understand what the different possible treatments are actually doing. Also, a neurologist can provide more information if you find the general doctor can't answer your questions.

    I hope your son feels better soon!
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    Both of my Children Suffer from Migranes my daughter from the age of 5 and now she's 20 my son is 16. I really didn't want to start prescription meds for my daughter at 5- I used Advil and now she uses Aleve which she said works better, my son still uses Advil.

    Hope he feels better
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    For me if I catch it when its just a headache excedrin will help but if not only thing that works for me is meds from my doc (zomig) and laying down.
  • muffle1969
    muffle1969 Posts: 96 Member
    FYI, the big trigger for me is barometric pressure changes. My migraines started after flying back and forth to/from Atlanta/San Francisco several times a month. My head is an awesome predictor that the weather is about to change. :) Of course you can't avoid weather changes, but if you can figure out some preventative stuff, maybe that can lessen the severity.

    My neurologist did a full workup on me when I started going to her in 2000. A couple of things:
    - I had a sleep test. Turned out at the time I had sleep apnea. Poor sleep can cause migraines, and certainly make you more susceptible to them. Can you request a sleep test for your kid?
    - Turns out I was both D and B12 deficient. I have pernicious anemia, so b12 does not absorb through my stomach, so I do B12 shots or nasal inhalers once per month.
    - My thyroid level was a bit low, so I take a minimal dosage of levothyroxine daily.

    All this together has lessened the severity and duration of my migraines when I get them. My doc impressed upon me that the number one thing I can do for myself in terms of this is to ensure I get good, solid sleep.

    I really hope all this info from everyone helps you somehow!
  • 65dawnmarie
    65dawnmarie Posts: 12 Member
    I Know this sounds odd.... but soaking you feet in hot water(as hot as you can stand it ) really does help !!!!
  • lmdarr97
    lmdarr97 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you everyone for your help! It turns out that he has influenza. The strain that is lasting up to 8 days or so:( The doctor said that migraines are probably his bodies way of of dealing with the virus. Of course, on top of puking and a fever. Luckily, I think we are on the up swing. He slept threw the night last night! He was standing by the computer while I read out loud the things you all had written. He thought it was very touching and kind for complete strangers to try and help. Thank you again. We will be using your suggestions again in the future I'm sure.
  • SaraJanePOWER
    SaraJanePOWER Posts: 88 Member
    Dehydration can cause what seems like a migraine headache. Make him some Chicken soup or broth with a touch of nutmeg then follow that with an ice pack at the forehead and one at the back of the neck the temperature change that takes place in the body from the soup and the ice packs are often times exactly the change that is needed for the headache to disperse. Good Luck. Migranes can be debilitating. Figuring out a way to controll them at this stage would be a blessing.

    Visualization is also effective if you can get him out of focusing on the pain.