Difficult time to get pregnat - is it because of overweight?

Is it possible, that I am having difficult time to get pregnant, because I AM OVERWEIGHT.... 2.5 years of trying.... having sex from once a week to everyday.... really frusrtrated.... I checked with doctor - my husband and I are healthy and do not have any medical problems... did not have hard time to get pregnant first time... do not want go to firtilization procedures....


  • heathersu
    It could have something to do with it but overweight people get pregnent all of the time. Have you tried monitoring your ovulation with those sticks? It would probably be a good start to make sure that you are indeed ovulating. You can only get preggers I think two days prior to ovulation and two days after. I would cut sex down to right around that time as this will allow for a higher sperm count therefore increasing your odds. The little fellows may me lower if having daily sex.

    Best of luck. I'm sure it will happen soon.
  • my2boystx
    my2boystx Posts: 28
    That could be! Have you looked at Poly Cystic Ovaries, that could be it too. That's what I had and I had a really hard time getting pregnant and when I did it would end up in miscarriage. Finally, I decided a year ago that I needed to change my lifestyle and I now workout 6 days a week and eat healthy, my poly cystic ovaries are gone, no symptoms. Hopefully, when we do start trying for another child it will be much easier. I would suggest eating more healthy and exercising, then after you have lost some weight start trying again. Good Luck to you!
  • Mom2Ryleigh
    I would suggest charting your cycles---it is a little time consuming to remember to do everyday at the same time before getting out of bed etc but it really works. Then you can make sure you are ovulating and if so when. Many people do not have a traditonal 28 day cycle. I suggest reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility and then you can start charting online at FertilityFriend.com. Its very easy and really helps to understand your body. Once I got used to charting and figured out my cycle, my husband and I were able to get pregnant on Cycle 3 of charting and trying. Also thebump.com is a great resource.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Try taking your basal temp every day with one of those pregnancy thermometers. It only takes a minute before you get out of bed, and you jot down your number. When it spikes, you've ovulated, and can do the wild thing ;)
    I was overweight, T2 diabetic, and have PCOS, and got pregnant a month off the pill by using a basal thermometer.
  • stargust1
    When discussing this with my doctor, she explained to me that doing it everyday will just cause him to "shoot blanks" (as she put it) and doing it less than every 5 days will cause mainly white blood cells to be expelled. From 2-5 days between sex is ideal for getting pregnant....hope that helps in addition to monitoring your ovulation. Let us all know how it goes!!!!

    Doing it more frequently...one or two "swimmers" may get by, but your chances of getting pregnant are less likely that way.

    She also gave me some statistics....only 20% of women get pregnant there first year of trying....that was unbelievable for me, but, she's my doc.....so, maybe you just need more time;)