WOMEN; that time of month & exercise!



  • rockangel8907
    rockangel8907 Posts: 429 Member
    My TTOTM tends to knock me on my a**. The week before I get horrid migraines that last for days ....plus horrible cramps. Yesterday I did a workout and today it took everything I had just to get out of ref today. But I ate healthy despite wanting to eat an entire cupcakery, I plan on working out tomorrow though.
  • alamarana2885
    alamarana2885 Posts: 91 Member
    I don't usually get extra tired, but I do get insanely hungry. Nothing I eat satisfies me until I'm stuffed and my fuel gauge shows slightly overfull. :laugh:

    This will be my first week exercising while being attacked by the Angry Red Bear of Hungry, as I like to call it. In October I got a Paraguard which has been making my cramps something horrible (I know they tell you they'll get worse, but until you feel them you have no idea just how bad cramps can be. OWCH :explode: ). So far it seems like movement makes the cramps worse since I got the Paraguard put in so if I'm cramping I usually take some Ibuprofen and curl up in a ball, which helps a little. We'll see how this week goes since tomorrow is Day 6 of the 30 Day Shred. :ohwell:
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I get insanely hungry the day before and first day of. I continue to workout throughout. My biggest complaint isn't only the weight gain but the bloating. So not only does the scale say I'm bigger, but my inches have increased and I feel like a fat cow....how depressing is that!! :sad: :angry: :grumble: :mad: