Hello All! I'm New!!

Well, I started making major changes to my eating habits about 2 months ago. I could NOT believe that I finally weighed OVER 200 POUNDS, 205 to be exact!! This may not be a big deal for many people, but since high school...9 years ago...I have gained approximately 70 pounds!! They say marriage will do that to ya, then of course I had a baby...blah blah blah. So, now I have made a promise to myself and my family that I will no longer do this to myself. I want the years I have with my child to contain as many happy memories as possible and I can see that if I would have continued on this weight gaining road, I would begin to miss out on fun things and not be the best example to my little girl that I know I could be. So good luck to you all! Oh by the way, I have lost 16 pounds so far which puts me at 189. Yay!! Hope to hear from any of you soon!! Let's make this a group effort!! Would love to hear your stories.


  • Willow_28
    Willow_28 Posts: 61
    Hi and welcome!!! Hope you find it as uplifting and useful here as I have... feel free to add me as a friend...
    Take care and keep smiling!!!:tongue:
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    hi and welcome!!
  • mtrnlarson
    mtrnlarson Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome and congratulations! :smile:
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend -- I weigh 206. So we are close in our starting weight.

    I just started today too.

    ~Tammy (Baltimore, MD)