Turning 40 - Want Friends in same situation

Hello Everyone

I am turning 40 in 2 months :sad: :sad:

I previously got to goal weight between kids using WW. Then found MFP a few years ago and managed to lose approx 30. I have now gained all that back plus a few.

I really don't want to turn 40 a fat woman :sad: :sad: . Due to the timeframe, that is just a reality but my goal is to be less fat by then. I really want to lose 15 by my birthday and at that point, with good habits instilled in me, I will quit smoking. (I have my work cut out for me :grumble: ).

I am looking for others who may be in a similiar situation of turning a "magical" number in age soon and looking for support. I am committed to being on here everyday (though I don't respond to every post) and logging everything that goes in my mouth and getting my rear in gear with exercise.

I started back on 1/1 and have lost about 2 pounds so far. I have logged everything for the past almost week and have exercised almost everyday. I need to keep this motivation going forward.

Feel free to send friend requests.
Have a blessed day. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


  • jennhupke
    Turning 40 on June 1st --and am in a similar situation. Quit smoking September 6th, was overweight then, and have since gained 19 pounds. Am going to do my best to commit to logging everything I eat, and have a workout buddy at least 2 days a week to help keep me motivated.
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Thanks for the add. I was originally going to do it all on 1/1: start the diet, start exercising and quit smoking. I decided that would be dangerous for my family so I made the committment to my son that I get the first two months of weight loss in (hopefully 15 down) and then quit on my birthday. Glad you have a workout buddy - that really helps. Unfortunately it is must me. My DH tried to work out with me but he kept annoying me so I quit doing anything workout wise with him.
  • JennieCakes72
    JennieCakes72 Posts: 64 Member

    I just turned 40 last August. I want to lose about 20lbs. I have one daughter that is 15.

    When is your birthday?

  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member

    I just turned 40 last August. I want to lose about 20lbs. I have one daughter that is 15.

    When is your birthday?



    My birthday is March 1st. That gives me exactly 2 months to try and get that first 15 in. In total, I need to lose about 65 but I need mini goals to get there.

    I have a son that turn 14 last friday and a daughter who is 10.

  • suntea514

    I’ll join your support team!

    I’ll be 40 on May 14th and I’m trying not to freak out. I’ve got over 150 lbs to lose to reach my goal weight. I know that won’t happen before May but I’m trying to change my habits to make it happen someday. I have a mini-goal of losing 30 lbs by May 11th, which is the day that my family (skinny parents and skinny brother) and I leave for Hawaii for a week and I have a goal to walk up Diamondhead on Wiakiki Beach. That means lots of hill training on the treadmill, which I started yesterday - if you can call a 2% incline a hill =)

  • JennieCakes72
    JennieCakes72 Posts: 64 Member
    Hey Dawn!! I think that is a great mini goal! It's totally doable!

    I have about 15 to 20 that I want to lose. I lost it five years ago, but gained it back with my divorce a couple years ago. Ready to do this again. I just keep telling myself I did it before and I can do it again!

    I am 5'2". How tall are you? I am 142 and want to get to 125. That's where I feel my best.

    Hey Tracey, my daughter and I went to Wiakki Beach a couple years ago! We had such a blast! We talk about going back there all the time!

    So girls, what do you do for exercise?

    I just bought Jillian Michaels "Ripped in 30", but I am going to start that at the end of the month and do it for the month of February. Right now, I combine cardio and strength training.

  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Hi there! 1 year ago I was in your shoes...I was 39, soon to be 40 when I started January 1st 2012. One year later, here I stand having lost 74 pounds!! You can do this!
  • JennieCakes72
    JennieCakes72 Posts: 64 Member
    Great job!!!!
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Thank you all for the adds and support. I know we can do this and SuppleMama - great job!!!!

    For exercise, right now I am focused on walking. I have two bad knees that need me to get that first 15 off before I can get too much more extreme. I am trying to make sure I walk about 30 - 45 min at least 5 times a week at a min of 3 miles per hour. The other two days get taken care of through house cleaning and such. I really like the Leslie Sansome walking videos and also Challene's Turbo Jam video's though I am a little leary of starting that right now until I get a little more fitness going again. I know that I need to get the body moving to make this happen and I am working towards that.

    I know one of my struggles is with sodium as well. I am finding the closer I get to that 40 number, my body isn't like sodium much but everything that makes a working mom's life a little easier is totally high in sodium. I am working on going for more fresh fruits and vegies and less processed meats. At least I get the water in so that is helping.

  • roxylake
    roxylake Posts: 16 Member
    I'll be turning 41 on March 27th. I would like to be down 15-20 lbs by then. I just had a baby boy in October. I also have an almost 13 yr old, 9 yr old and 6 yr old. I had my 12 yr old take some "before" pics of me yesterday and it was kind of depressing actually. I am 129 lbs right now and have a goal weight of 105-110 lbs. I am 5'1" I ran a half marathon with my husband the summer before I got pregnant in 2011 and was 115 then. I would like to start training for another half this year once the weather improves. Having the baby and breastfeeding makes it a little more difficult to get out. But, I do have a gym membership and several different fitness DVDs at home that I can do.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I turned 40! Four years ago. :P
    My major weight gain didn't occur until I hit 43 when I put on about 10 pounds, and then I decided to quit smoking.
    I gained more than 10 pounds!
    My doc told me to either focus on my weight or my smoking, not both. It was good advice. I quite January 16th, so now I'm focusing on the weight.