I don't need to lose weight but I need a lot of work!

I'm having a really hard time finding motivation. I'm at my goal weight. My health is great. Blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. all check out perfect, except my "good" cholesterol is at the bottom of the range and could stand to be higher.

So what's the problem?

I've always had a soft body, despite being thin. Even in college, at 5'10" and 130 lbs (almost underweight), I had flab. 8+ years, one desk job, and two beautiful children later, I'm now 140 lbs, which I'm okay with. However, my body fat % is somewhere between 25 and 30% and more importantly, I don't like what I see in the mirror.

I'm not old, only 31. But already I can see the effects of age, or perhaps it's the effects of motherhood? My face and hands are thinner. My upper body is very thin, while (thanks to my pear shape), my rear and thighs are flabby. Thanks to pregnancy, my abs are weak. The flat belly I see first thing in the morning looks like I'm about 4 months along after a couple of normal-sized meals.

So my problem is - I can't seem to motivate myself based on appearance alone. Losing weight is logical to me - eat fewer calories. I'm blessed that that part has been fairly straightforward to me through losing the weight of two pregnancies, although it took me a while to get it figured out after my first. It's the body recomposition that eludes me. I know WHAT to do - pick up heavy stuff and put it back down. But that's HARD WORK. And I'm so tired :(

Sorry for the whine fest. This isn't about finding the time, it's about finding the motivation to make the time. Mentally, I want to do this. But then I think about the long road ahead of me, and I start doubting that I could/would maintain it anyway, and I lose the fight in me.

I'm not sure exactly where I'm going with this, maybe I just need to get it out. But I'll take any advice you may have :)