For real this time....

I feel like a MFP drop out, back begging for another chance. I'm hoping being active on the boards this time will help keep me logging.

I'm a mom of 3 (6, 5, and 2 year olds). After years of doing nothing for myself so that my husband and kids had all of my free time, I decided that I was actually doing them a disservice by not taking care of myself. I started Zumba in April, and by July was going 3-4 days a week. I wasn't seeing the results I'd hoped for, so I got a gym membership with a friend and started running on the treadmill and strength training on the machines. Lately, I've added back in my PT exercises for my core as well (I've been slacking on them since I got pregnant with baby #3). I've gotten good results so far, but obviously, food had to be reigned in to really make a difference.

This time I'm serious. I'm done being the frumpy mom and wife whose life revolves solely around her family. It's healthy for my children to see me doing something for me and creating a healthy lifestyle for all of us.

So ADD ME! Really. I need someone to kick my butt if I miss a work out, or if I go over on my calories. I will need advice and support. I'm just really at the calorie counting stage right now, but soon hope to get my sugar/carb intake down. I just need to get in the groove first. One step at a time....


  • theresa64030
    Hi! My name is Theresa. If you would like, you could add me!! I'm really trying to get aggressive with my weight loss journey. Most of the time, i just half way did it and I have suffered in the long run. I'm looking for all the motivation that i can get.