what was your "a-HA!" moment?



  • genkimomof2
    genkimomof2 Posts: 50 Member
    I had two really.
    1. A few months ago, I was flying to the US to visit family. Because i had an infant, we were placed in the bulkhead seats so she could be put in a bassinette. Those seats are significantly more narrow and the arm rests don't do up, so I had no choice but to wedge my fat *kitten* into it, for 16 hours, and I thought my hips would crack from the pressure. It was the most painful experience of my life, and I've given birth. Twice.
    2. I've been trying to get health insurance for months, and have been denied again and again. Reason? I'm too fat. That's all. No pre existing conditions, no blood pressure issues, nothing. Just too fat. When the very last place I applied turned me down, i got really angry. How dare they discriminate against me? But then I realized: I AM a health risk. I could die at 50 like my own obese mother...or I could do something about it and live to see my kids grow up and have kids of their own and set a good example for them.

    That's why my kids are my avatar on here: Seeing their faces reminds me every day why I can't quit and I can't say "I can't".

    Good thread! :-)
  • Louder4
    Louder4 Posts: 57 Member
    Here are mine:
    -Realizing that everything I wear has an elastic waist because I can' t even fit into my fat girl jeans.
    -Family Christmas card photo shoot made me see all my chins up close
    -Sister telling me it's okay to be plump Mom size 'cause I just had a baby, um NO baby is almost 1 year old and I don' t want to be the fat Mommy!

    Great topic, thanks for the reminder!
  • terbeest2009
    terbeest2009 Posts: 4 Member
    Being mistaken as pregnant, pictures of myself, realizing I've gained back all the weight I lost in high school (and then some), and having to pay the extra fee for a 'big size' when getting a bridesmaid dress for my best friend's wedding!
  • jgreer0109
    jgreer0109 Posts: 45 Member
    I'll never forget my a-Ha moment. It changed my life forever. My family had just returned from our first ever Disney vacation and I was so excited to see all of our pics. I was mortified and disgusted with myself. I mean I knew I was big but I had no idea how bad I looked. I stayed up that whole night reading a curves membership book I had to help me know where to start with my eating habits. I found MFP a few days later and lost 45 lbs in 6 months. I've been at a stand still for the past year because of crazy school schedule (well really excuse after excuse) but I just reset my clicker back to 0 pounds lost and I"m starting from where weight today. I got 46 more lbs to lose. I lost that much already and and I'll lose that much again!
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    My "ah-ha!" was seeing a friend after 12 years and with tears in his eyes he asked me who the fat girl was that ate his Kimmy. It was harsh to hear ... more harsh to accept ... and even more harsh to agree.
  • nc805397
    nc805397 Posts: 223 Member
    I was visiting my great-grandmother in the nursing home and my own great-grandmother asked when I was due!!!! Ok, her memory is more or less gone (she has Alzheimers) and she thinks I am her sister half the time but it still sucked and was super embarrassing :( I wanted to cry!!!!
    Also, seeing pics of my arms, and fat, like everywhere, double chin, etc.