Apple Calories - Count core or no?

I was wondering if I should calculate the calories for an apple based on how much I ate (weigh apple before, weigh when I'm done to get the total grams I ate) or count the whole thing? There's listings for medium and large size apples in the database and then there's a listing for calories per gram for an apple, but I don't know if I should count it as the weight it is without core or not. Maybe a dumb question lol.


  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Honestly, when it comes to things like apples, just count the whole fruit. Banana w/peel, apple w/core, orange w/peel, etc. Otherwise, you'll drive yourself crazy.

    I just count 1 apple as... 1 apple, medium. Or large, or small (whatever applies).

    Apples are only about 80 calories. A smaller apple might be 70 or 75. A larger one might be 85 or 90. The thing is, you're just not going to have the same sized apple every time. And every apple you eat is going to have a different amount of calories. But because apples are so low in calories, it doesn't matter anyways. I might log an apple as 80 calories and it might be 90 calories. But does it really matter? In the grand scheme of things, over (or under) counting a food by 5-20 calories isn't that big of a deal. In fact, MOST of the foods you're counting probably aren't EXACTLY what you're reporting they are, either.
  • ambee0803
    ambee0803 Posts: 89 Member
    They are so low in calories and everything else its not really worth the trouble to do all that weighing. I just try to get a pretty good estimate on things. With just about any food there is no way to get an exact amount, just like you won't get an exact amount of calories you burn when you're exersizing. I'd just use whatever is on the data base based on the size.
  • raleigh
    raleigh Posts: 87 Member
    when i have questions like this, i remind myself that i didnt gain weight eating apple cores.