
Hey Everyone

Has anyone got hints or tips on how to get eight glasses of water down every day. This is such a chore for me.:smile:


  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    unless you are trying to do some kind of self inflicted water torture I wouldn't do it

    The 8 glasses a day of water is myth
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    I know I drink more water when it's ice cold.
  • I have a water bottle on my desk at work (or at home on the weekends). It is 24 ounces and I make sure that I drink three bottles a day. One on the way to work, one at work, and one on the way home. Believe me - it makes a world of difference.
  • josettenehmelman
    josettenehmelman Posts: 20 Member
  • BrianBarrett79
    BrianBarrett79 Posts: 17 Member
    I keep a gallon at my desk, and try to drink only water with meals. Within reason I really dont think you can get enough!
  • katiedidit1
    katiedidit1 Posts: 39 Member
    I have a twenty ounce cup with a straw and just refill it 4 or five times a day. I try to drink 80 to 100 ounces a day. Yes I pee alot but my swelling is way way way down and I notice if I don't drink enough for a couple of days I start to swell up again. So drink up! And good luck!

    The straw was really my point! I find its easier to drink it from a straw. For some reason it goes down easier.
  • Mac_X
    Mac_X Posts: 110 Member
    Buy a huge glass/tankard and fill it to the top every morning. Challenge yourself, just like an exercise, to drink it by lunch. At lunch, refill.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    it's surprisingly simple.
    just do it.

    you're looking at it like it's this terrible thing that you MUST do. look at it like you just do it because it's healthy and good for you. all i drink is water, aside from a cup or two of coffee most days.
  • I have found that if I drink it with a straw I will drink more...
  • runs_in_heels
    runs_in_heels Posts: 97 Member
    WATER! important. very.

    and same as sandrahullema - i keep a 24 oz bottle with me at all times.
    and i've become rather obsessed with propel zero fitness water mix - i throw 1/2 a packet (or less) into my bottle and it adds a nice light flavor. and it has a few vitamins in it.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Yeah, you don't HAVE to drink 8 glasses a day. Yes it is good to get in 64 ounces a day, but remember all the food you eat has water too. So if you don't get the 8 glasses a day don't sweat it. As long as your pee is clear or light yellow then you are getting enough.
  • elaineirene84
    elaineirene84 Posts: 65 Member
    Sometimes putting crystal light in the water helps until you get used to drinking more. Now that I have been doing it for so long it has gotten easier to drink water throughout the day. I average 10-12 a day now.
  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    Add a lemon or cucumber slices to it.
  • Tami316
    Tami316 Posts: 14
    8 glasses?!?!? Last I read in multiple places they suggest half your body weight in water a day .... LMAO!!!

    Anyhow I drink about 16 or 17 glasses a day and the only way I can get it down is if its cool or room temperature and I LOVE to flavor my water with fruit .... sometimes I freeze fruit directly into my ice cubes and other times I drop tons of fruit in my water pitcher in the fridge and just let it sit .....

  • schicksa
    schicksa Posts: 123 Member
    I love sparkling water, especially flavored (Deer Park makes some in Orange that is great, and it's less expensive than Pellegrino or Perrier). Tea counts as water, just watch if you add sugar, etc to it. And you can always add flavor like Crystal Light, Mio, etc that is 0 calorie. I like propel too.
  • vickilgreshik
    vickilgreshik Posts: 13 Member
    I have a 32 oz bottle of water that I fill in the morning and again in the afternoon. Try squeezing a little bit of lemon into the water if it's a chore. I drink a big glass of water when I first get up in the morning, too, and I find that I really miss it now if I don't have it. It's what your body gets used to. I like water and drink it alot. I get dehydration headaches if I don't drink enough. Remember that foods such as fruits and vegetables contain water as well.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I find it easier to have a straw, for some reason. /shrug
    While I'm at work, if I have a big thing of icey water with a straw sticking out of it, I can just suuuck away [teehee] while writing my emails and knock 4 cups of water out right then and there~
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Drink water while you exercise and have water instead of other drinks when you're thirsty and with meals and it's very easy to get lots of water into your day.
  • GetHotIn2014
    GetHotIn2014 Posts: 201 Member
    unless you are trying to do some kind of self inflicted water torture I wouldn't do it

    The 8 glasses a day of water is myth


    So basically it seems that while, yes, there is no scientific evidence backing up the 8 glasses thing, there is much evidence that drinking more water can help you lose weight, and drinking water when you're thirsty is MUCH better than drinking pop or sugary juice drinks! That's my 2 cents.
  • diana109
    diana109 Posts: 113 Member
    I drink as I work out and as soon as I start my day. It's either water or green tea, I don't drink much else so it makes it easier. If you think of it as a chore then you'll never do it, maybe add some natural flavour like mint leaves and lemon for a better taste.