To Log or Not To Log?



  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    I think it depends on where you set your activity level. I set mine at lightly active (I'm a teacher). I tend to do a lot of non-strenuous walking during the day; rarely does my heart rate go up. So, if I were to start walking briskly for 20 minutes at lunch, I would log it, as it's not included in my activity level. I do not count any walking that does not noticeably increase my heart rate, so I would not count my grocery shopping (drive to store, meander through store, drive home).

    If you normally walk briskly for an hour a day carrying a baby, and on that basis set your activity level to moderate, then, no, I don't think you should log it. But if you set your activity level at sedentary or lightly active, then you probably should.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    If I really feel my heart pumping when I'm doing something, like running heavy things up and down the stairs for at least 15 minutes, then I log it. However, things like cleaning or walking places when I'm not trying to sweat doesn't really count to me. I can understand if people are on very low cal diets they may want to track an extra 50 or 100 calories burned but it's not really necessary for me. I'm 295(ish) so 50 cals is a drop in the bucket.

    walking can burn alot of calories. you should log it in the following scenarios...

    1) walking from kitchen to living room... no
    2) walking 6 miles around your neighborhood for exercise... yes


    PS... i do 2) as many times a week as time and weather permit.
  • claire7090
    I set my activity to sedentary and log most things. The walk to school and back takes 25mins and I log it. I log cleaning if I am cleaning windows, scrubbing the floors but I only ever log light cleaning as calories are crazily high for heavy cleaning. And I log cooking if I am doing a large batch cook or preparing for a party and I am going to be on my feet in the kitchen all day, but I only put half the amount of time as I think the calorie burn on MFP is too high. Logging like this I have lost my weight (32lbs until Christmas arrived (currently a net loss of 28lbs)). But at the end of the day it has to be what works for you.
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    Good to know, thanks for all who answered my question. I already listed lightly active, so I will just not log it. Was just trying to get back into the habit of logging everything I did since I lost motivation last time and stopped. Thanks. And sorry to OP, wasn't trying to steal your thread.
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    I was just about to ask almost the same question. I walk everyday to work, which ends up being two miles total for the day, and I have been logging it, but didn't know if I should keep including it or not, as it is an everyday activity.

    I log my daily walks to work as well because, since I try to keep my HR up, I feel if I'm walking to the limits of my ability in terms of pacing that it's legit exercise. However, when I have a day when I'm not feeling well I'll walk a pace that doesn't really challenge my body. On those days I don't log.