First time dieter

I've never really paid attention to my weight/body until recently. It seems my body decided to explode everywhere- hips, arms, stomach and it's really getting to me. I could blame the fact I'm newly married and its my first time making food on my own. I like CHEESE, i like chicken parm, pizza, bread. I also have a saving grace in that i love mushrooms and spinach. I am a very visual person so I'm hoping that the fact I'm logging in my food I can stay on track and not reach for that candy bar when the 2:30 down time arrives at work. I have a sit down job and I usually have to peel myself off the chair when 5pm rolls around. I really hope to get motivated and I've love some positive energy to help me get back to normal.


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Welcome. Yes the food diary is very helpful. I plan my food for the day usually the night before and stick to it. If it's not on my food plan, I don't eat it. You need to plan well though so that you're not hungry. Figure in an afternoon snack that's healthy if you know you're hungry at a certain time. I bring a thermal bag to work with my food packed into it so I can snack on that throughout the day. It's already written on my food plan so it helps alot. Good luck to you and just be honest when entering your food for the day. If you hold yourself accountable for logging everything in, you'll do great.