Hi! I am very excited to share this!

I work at a desk job and usually am found sitting-glued to my desk all day. I brought in an extra egg-timer and placed it on my desk. I have it set for 60 minutes and every time the buzzer goes off i HAVE to get up from my desk and walk around the building. Whatever I am working on can wait a minute and it usually helps me feel refreshed when I return. My boss is supportive of me and even nudges a little if I wait too long after the buzzer has gone off.

It's added a few steps to my day, and a few steps more than normal are good steps!

I'm hoping this tip can help more people! Let me know if you've used it, or tweeked it!


  • Ally_24
    Ally_24 Posts: 3
    That's awesome...I also have a desk job. I tried walking with my coworkers but I have problems with my left foot if I walk to fast so I haven't been able to join them. I do however, come in early to run up the stairs, walk briskly down the hall, run down the stairs...I do this about 5 times as I'm out of shape and can only handle that much right now!!!

    Since I haven't been able to walk at break time, I have put ankle weights on and walk around with those on all day...I can definitely feel the difference when I briskly walk to the front lobby and I only managed to do 2.5 laps today!! I also, bought the band with the handles so I can do shoulder curls. I'm bringing in my big yoga ball so I can sit on it at my desk to improve my posture as well as do crunches throughout the day....maybe while doing this, I won't feel so guilty for not doing anything on the weekends!!!

    Good Luck with your venture....:smile:

    And, I like your idea of the egg timer...I might try that one too...
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I'm in the military and it was coming time for one of our folk's annual physical fitness test and the only thing she couldn't get max points on were the pushups. So for a month before her test, we did pushups with her every day, every hour on the hour. We started with a baseline of how many she could do and then we'd do a set number a little lower than that. We eventually got up to almost 300 pushups per person per day (our whole shop did them with her). It was a great way to break up the monotony and great way to build muscle/burn fat. We've also done crunches and planks :)