Support Needed



  • hopetoachieve
    hopetoachieve Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Mary and I am 53 years old. I am looking for some help with losing weight. I have always had a weight issue my whole life, but now I am the heavies I have ever been! I am 5' 3" and I weigh 192! Ugh! This is my second week being with MFP and I lost 4 lbs the first week but now, nothing the 2nd!!! I am eating 1200 calories a day and am either walking on my treadmill 20 minutes a day or walking outside with my dog for around 30 minutes. I can use all the help and advice!!! I need to lose weight every week or I will become unmotivated. Please feel free to send me friend requests, I would appreciate it! thanks!:smile:
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Hi, I'm Donna, and I know that I'm just starting out too, but one thing that helps is to set aside two 10 to 15 minute periods during the work day to just walk briskly. Sometimes it's outside, which is nice on a nice day, sometimes just from one office to another. A couple of times I've volunteered to bring the mail from one department to another. Sometimes up and down stairs. It helps to sneak in this additional exercise.
  • schaskes
    schaskes Posts: 103 Member
    I hope you are already feeling the amazing support that MFP has to offer. I don't have thyroid problems, but I understand that it can make weight loss that much harder, which is really difficult. I was going to suggest investing in a treadmill or similar machine for your home. We have bought several used ones through Craig's List, never spending more than $200. At this time of year, lots of people upgrade or decide to go with a gym membership and they desperately want to get those large items out of their homes. If you need an additional screen to go with it (TV/DVD player) you can get those cheaply too. I hope that you can make it work!!!